
$sendMedication is used to send medical data to RF.

Rules for using sendMedication

  • SFM requires that last lookup has been performed within the last 4 hours
  • if EPJ do not receive response from SFM or SFM respond with operationOutcom (error) the EPJ need to send a new getMedication
  • EPJ may send more than one sendMedication for each getMedication
  • All medicationStatements represented in getMedication/latest sendMedication must be referred within sendMedication, either as medicationStatement or within recall-info.
  • All head of chain delivered in last lookup ($getMedication) are represented in the bundle.
  • The user must have rights to deliver prescriptions to RF
  • SFM creates a new session each time a getMedication is called

Operation resource: sendMedication


URL: [base]/Patient/$sendMedication

Parameters (In)


Medication bundle document containing medicatiation and other prescription info. Patient must be present in the bundle, with sufficient info for messages to Reseptformidleren. See $getMedication

Return Values (Out)


the number of prescription signed and sent to Reseptformidleren


the number of withdrawals sent to Reseptformidleren


Result of PLL delivery to Reseptformidleren


MessageID for M25.1 sent to Reseptformidleren


Ok, or error code from Reseptformidleren or SFM


Result of prescription delivery (M1) or prescription recall (M5) to Reseptformidleren


ReseptID involved in the operation


Referansenumber assigned to prescription when relevant for M1


Ok, or error code from Reseptformidleren or SFM

This operation is complex, and require that the Practitioner performing the operation presents a valid HelseID token with identity information, and that the authorisation is available in Helsepersonellregisteret

Note that the binding (sfm-rfkj-lookupcodes) for parameter-part resultCode is not rendered here. See the OperationDefinition for details.