$sendMedication is used to send medical data to RF.
Rules for using sendMedication
- SFM requires that last lookup has been performed within the last 4 hours
- if EPJ do not receive response from SFM or SFM respond with operationOutcom (error) the EPJ need to send a new getMedication
- EPJ may send more than one sendMedication for each getMedication
- All medicationStatements represented in getMedication/latest sendMedication must be referred within sendMedication, either as medicationStatement or within recall-info.
- All head of chain delivered in last lookup ($getMedication) are represented in the bundle.
- The user must have rights to deliver prescriptions to RF
- SFM creates a new session each time a getMedication is called
Operation resource: sendMedication
URL: [base]/Patient/$sendMedication
Parameters (In)
Name | Cardinality | Type | Documentation |
medication | 1..1 | Bundle(sfm-MedicationBundle) | Medication bundle document containing medicatiation and other prescription info. Patient must be present in the bundle, with sufficient info for messages to Reseptformidleren. See $getMedication |
Return Values (Out)
Name | Cardinality | Type | Documentation |
prescriptionCount | 1..1 | integer | the number of prescription signed and sent to Reseptformidleren |
recallCount | 1..1 | integer | the number of withdrawals sent to Reseptformidleren |
PllResult | 0..1 | Result of PLL delivery to Reseptformidleren | |
PllResult.PllmessageID | 1..1 | string | MessageID for M25.1 sent to Reseptformidleren |
PllResult.resultCode | 1..1 | Coding | Ok, or error code from Reseptformidleren or SFM |
prescriptionOperationResult | 0..* | Result of prescription delivery (M1) or prescription recall (M5) to Reseptformidleren | |
prescriptionOperationResult.reseptID | 1..1 | string | ReseptID involved in the operation |
prescriptionOperationResult.refnum | 0..1 | string | Referansenumber assigned to prescription when relevant for M1 |
prescriptionOperationResult.resultCode | 1..1 | Coding | Ok, or error code from Reseptformidleren or SFM |
This operation is complex, and require that the Practitioner performing the operation presents a valid HelseID token with identity information, and that the authorisation is available in Helsepersonellregisteret
Note that the binding (sfm-rfkj-lookupcodes
) for parameter-part resultCode
is not rendered here. See the OperationDefinition for details.