Acsess control
Since there are strict regulations of the access to information in the national systems, it is necessary for SFM to know where to look up data:
- Reseptformidleren
- Kjernejournal
By supplying the where-to-look-up information, the process of retrieving information can be performed without having access violations registered in the national systems. In brief, the rules are these:
Reseptformidleren grants access to four authorized healthcare professional categories:
- physician(norw: Lege)
- dentist (norw: Tannlege)
- midwife (norw: Jordmor)
- public health nurse / school nurse (norw: Helsesykelpeier -former Helsesøster)
-- when granted prescription privileges by the national healthcare professional registry (HPR)
Kjernejournal grants read access to all other healthcare professional categories provided they belong to approved organizations.