Change log

This is a change log for the SFM Basis API FHIR resources and Implementation guide

Date Change Responsible
2019-10-11 Package reference to updated to v. 2.0.7 DH
2019-10-16 This log created DH
2019-12-06 Command details: sfm-Patient added as parameter to support mandatory data in hodemelding DH
2019-12-06 Command details: http verb for $getMedication changed from GET to POST DH
2019-12-06 Details on how SFM relates to specific fields in Resources added to Resources main page DH
2019-12-20 Input and output parameters specified for Command details DH
2019-12-20 Please note: delivery principles for messages to Helseplattformen is subject for discussion DH
2020-02-25 Updated medicationstatement to include "drafts" and referance to previous statement (if relevant) OMW
2020-03-09 Updated Flow description - added flow for organization and person OMW
2020-03-09 Updated SFM profiles - added sfm-Person as resource OMW
2020-03-10 Updated SFM profiles - added KI standard as profile. May be used instead of no-basis-AllergyIntolerance OMW
2020-03-10 Updated SFM profile - changes to sfm-tillegg-resept. Changed from datetime to date, and some cardinality issues OMW
2020-03-10 Updated sfm-administration - charnged cardinality on attribute OMW
2020-03-10 Updated sfm-application-area - charnged cardinality on attribute OMW
2020-03-10 Updated sfm-dispenseinfo - charnged cardinality on attribute OMW
2020-03-10 Updated sfm-dispenseinfo and sfm-generaldispense - charnged cardinality on attribute OMW
2020-03-10 Updated sfm-medicationstatement - charnged cardinality on attribute OMW
2020-03-10 Updated sfm-task - charnged cardinality on attribute and added organization as owner OMW
2020-03-10 Command details: Removed URL parameters where not relevant DH
2020-03-10 Moved description of sfm-Task from Command details to separate page DH
2020-03-10 Added page for Person DH
2020-03-11 Added flow for practitioner OMW
2020-03-11 sfm-Task: Added parameter: PatientNiN for KJ search, sfm-Task changed to Task DH
2020-03-11 sfm-Task: Preliminary example added DH
2020-03-12 Command details - updated getMedication output OMW
2020-03-12 Person: (sfm-Person) New item, operations described DH
2020-03-12 Practitioner: (sfm-Practitioner) Updated, operations described DH
2020-03-12 Organization: (sfm-Organization) Updated, operations described DH
2020-03-13 Person and Practitioner: seach param for name corrected DH
2020-03-16 Flow description: Updated according to current scheme for message delivery DH
2020-03-17 Task: corrected bundle example accrding to FHIR standard DH
2020-03-20 SfmMedicationComposition: Slicing corrected (missing system/code in slices) DH
2020-03-20 SfmMedicationComposition: Removed slice for SLV response DH
2020-03-20 Added SFM extentions to the Guide three OMW
2020-03-23 BandaProduct changed to BandaPrescription where relevant OMW
2020-03-23 SfmMedicationBundle updated with ref to BandaPrescription. Ref to Nutrition removed DH
2020-03-23 JSON example (prelim) has been added to sfm-MedicationBundle and sfm-MediciationComposition DH
2020-03-24 Updated must support information on resources OMW
2020-04-01 changed return Patient in Task GUID descriptio from no-basis-Patient to sfm-Patient OMW
2020-04-03 added slv application info to reseptamendment OMW
2020-04-06 minor: changed order of parameters for $registerResponsibility utleveringfastlege to make consistency DH
2020-04-06 added example of Paramters for input to operations under Command details DH
2020-04-14 Updated reference for address within dispatchrequest (reseptamendment extention) OMW
2020-04-14 Added clarification of use of emptyReason in sfm-MedicationComposition DH
2020-04-21 sfm-Patient included as resource in API Basis DH
2020-04-21 Code for 0=OK added to SFM-kj-rf-error-codesystem DH
2020-04-21 output parames and errors refined in $sendMedication, example included in Parameters examples DH
2020-04-21 The main chapter "Resource" has been updated. Added info for not-implemented response DH
2020-04-23 Operation definitions added. Main page for Command details restructured DH
2020-04-27 Corrected wrong Volven reference in Valueset SFMRfKjLookupCodes DH
2020-04-27 Fixed typo in Command details, sendMedication was misspelled DH
2020-04-27 Removed copy-paste error (refnum) in PllResult in sendMedication DH
2020-04-27 Added "tilbakekalling" volven: 7503 to SFMRfKjLookuptCodes DH
2020-04-29 Corrected wrong OID's org id's under "Organization" page DH
2020-05-12 Changed the way interventions are handled within SFM-MedicationDispense OMW
2020-05-13 Updated SFM-PLL info extention to refer to sfm-PractitionerRole OMW
2020-05-16 Corrected Bundle illustration in "Bundle description" and added examples DH
2020-05-25 Added Data processing description OMW
2020-06-05 Head of Chain explained in Bundle description and Data processing DH
2020-06-08 Updated Reseptamendment with description of dispatch request OMW
2020-06-12 Added general info on populating content under $sendMedication DH
2020-06-22 Page prescription and recall updated with corrected detalis for recallInfo DH
2020-06-25 Updated requiremetns for content within send medication. Updated profiles related to MedicationStatement, Magistrell-Medication and Medication` OMW
2020-08-19 Changes references within resources to point to sfm-resources instead of no-basis resourses OMW
2020-08-19 Removed duplicate information about delivery summary within resept amendment. OMW
2020-08-19 Changed sfm-Patient: included information about reimbursment for foreign citizens and changed cardinality on identifer OMW
2020-08-19 Changed sfm-BandaPrescription to refer to patient and prescriber OMW
2020-08-19 Updated text in generic change boolean value explaination changed. OMW
2020-08-19 Changed sfm-Patient: included information about reimbursment for foreign citizens and changed cardinality on identifer OMW
2020-08-19 Changed medicationDispense: must support items and text describing attribute. OMW
2020-08-19 Changed generaldispense: must support items and text describing attribute. OMW
2020-08-19 Changed medicationstatement - refering to sfm-resourses instead of no-basis resourses OMW
2020-08-19 Added references within async messages (Patient, Pharmacy etc). MedicationDispense, GeneralDispense, SLVApplication, Recallmessage OMW
2020-09-18 Updated Mediation with attribute for Vacine, in order to exclude these from LIB/PLL. Required to set in $sendMedication OMW
2020-09-18 Updated sfm-reseptamendemnt, dispatch request is now referencing no-basis-Address, and not including it OMW
2020-09-21 Corrected text about reference numbers and how they are returned in the Prescription and Recall page DH
2020-09-21 Added descriptions to the sfm-PLLinfo page DH
2020-09-22 Added descriptions to the sfm-PLLinfo page DH
2020-10-08 Fixed typos SEJO
2020-11-17 Updated sfm-PLL-info to include sfm-warnings OMW
2020-11-19 added whenhandedover to sfm-generaldispenseextention OMW
2020-12-10 The implementation guide is restructured and information is consolidated. The resource descriptions are revised and link to the resource are added for each resource. The resources are not changed. This revision of the implemenattion guide does not imply any functional changes to SFM Basis API SEJO
2020-12-10 Identifying coding systems for amount and introduced PQ instead of Codesystem for interval within reseptamendment OMW
2021-03-26 Updated reg-info - timestampe to 0..1 cardinality OMW
2021-04-28 Updated reg-info - changed helseperson to provider and added choise for sfm-Organization OMW
2021-04-28 Updated sfm-administrering - added multidose dispensed OMW
2021-05-03 Updated version and timestamp on all profiles. OMW
2021-05-25 Updated sfm-reseptamendment - spellingerror in reimbursementparagraph OMW
2021-05-2 Updated sfm-reimbursmentinfo - spellingerrors updated OMW
2021-06-03 Updated IG "Update Organization" page. Note on manual creation of DB removed SEJO
2021-06-03 Reference to Technical documentation included in "Getting Started" SEJO
2021-08-11 Resept amendment updated. earliestdispence is changed to type date. OMW
2021-08-15 Added specifiation for async messages to HP, adjusted same topic in message flow DH
2021-10-18 Update organization flow. Added description of creation of user when datatbase is created. Added link to paragraph 9 collaboration SEJO
2021-11-19 New page Getting started/Create Database SEJO
2021-12-11 updated MedicationDispense resource. Reference to intervention was wrong, but has been updated OMW
2021-12-11 updated sfm-reginfo, referenses in provider was updated. OMW
2021-12-16 updated sfm-discontinuation, added possibility to use date OMW
2022-02-03 updated sfm-dispenseinfo, spelling errors related to cancellation and cancellationid OMW
2022-02-11 Added Extension on sfm-reinbursmentInfo to patient profile and SFM extensions list SEJO
2022-12-01 Added link to KJ error codes on page "About RF and KJ" DH
2023-03-28 The chapter Send medical information is updated with info on the current implementaiton: Last $getMedication must include RF lookup DH
2023-10-11 Added a SFM version 3.x upgrade page for info DH
2023-10-12 Cosmetic changes for the rendering of operationDefinitions in $getMedication and $sendMedication DH
2023-10-12 Added info for includeOriginal parameter in $getMedication DH
2023-10-20 Corrected link on sfm-discontinuation page DH
2023-10-27 Notification of planned change added to "Bundle description" DH
2023-10-27 New profile for SFM-medicationComposition added, version 1.1 DH
2023-11-30 Added new code in sfm-message-type: M9.11. To be used in pllInfo DH
2023-11-30 New page added: Multidose info. Details on pllInfo DH
2024-04-04 Corrected info on Identifier use for sfm-Patient (SFM Profiles) DH