
$getMedication is used to retrieve medical data for RF and/or KJ.

Rules for using sendMedication

  • The user must have rights to read medical information from RF and/or KJ
  • Kjernejournal rules apply for the use of the flags forwarded to KJ

Note that the "include binary" currently only supports the value: include_reseptdok

This flag makes SFM to include original content from RF/KJ for each medicationStatement that is head in a chain, as a binary resource refered from medicationStatement.derivedFrom

Operation resource: getMedication


URL: [base]/Patient/$getMedication

Parameters (In)


Must be present and contain Name, Address and (identifier OR (birthDate + gender))


Refereansenummer shall always be present for patient without national ID. Referansenummer may be present for retreival of låst resept, doctors-name prescriptions or other


For lookup in Kjernejournal: Indicates timestamp from witch changes shall be returned

SamtykkeKjernejournal0..1codesfm-kj-consentcodes (required)

Patient consent type for access to Medication data (HPAKUTT, HPMOTTATTSAMTYKKE, HPUNNTAK)

SamtykkeSperretLegemidler0..1codesfm-kj-consentcodes (required)

Patient consent type for access to disclosed Medication data (HPAKUTT, HPMOTTATTSAMTYKKE)

SamtykkeLasteResepter0..1codesfm-kj-consentcodes (required)

Patient consent type for access to LÅST RESEPT / locked prescriptions (HPAKUTT, HPMOTTATTSAMTYKKE)

IncludeOriginal0..*codesfm-include-binary.valueset (required)

Flag for inclusion of (elements from) original e-resep messages

Return Values (Out)


Main result. Medication bundle document


Time for result from KJ. Absensce shall be interpreted as no lookup performed


Time for result from RF. Absensce shall be interpreted as no lookup performed

KJFeilkode0..1Codingsfm-rfkj-lookupcodes (required)

Error response from KJ

RFM96Feilkode0..1Codingsfm-rfkj-lookupcodes (required)

Error response from RF on M9.6 lookup

RFM912Feilkode0..1Codingsfm-rfkj-lookupcodes (required)

Error response from RF on M9.12 lookup


According to response from KJ


According to response from KJ


According to response from RF


According to response from RF

This operation is complex, and requier that the Practitioner performing the operation presents a valid HelseID token with identity information, and that the authorisation is available in Helsepersonellregisteret