$getMedication is used to retrieve medical data for RF and/or KJ.
Rules for using sendMedication
- The user must have rights to read medical information from RF and/or KJ
- Kjernejournal rules apply for the use of the flags forwarded to KJ
Note that the "include binary" currently only supports the value: include_reseptdok
This flag makes SFM to include original content from RF/KJ for each medicationStatement that is head in a chain, as a binary resource refered from medicationStatement.derivedFrom
Operation resource: getMedication
URL: [base]/Patient/$getMedication
Parameters (In)
Name | Cardinality | Type | Binding | Documentation |
patient | 1..1 | Patient(sfm-Patient) | Must be present and contain Name, Address and (identifier OR (birthDate + gender)) | |
Referansenummer | 0..* | string | Refereansenummer shall always be present for patient without national ID. Referansenummer may be present for retreival of låst resept, doctors-name prescriptions or other | |
historyTimestamp | 0..1 | dateTime | For lookup in Kjernejournal: Indicates timestamp from witch changes shall be returned | |
SamtykkeKjernejournal | 0..1 | code | sfm-kj-consentcodes (required) | Patient consent type for access to Medication data (HPAKUTT, HPMOTTATTSAMTYKKE, HPUNNTAK) |
SamtykkeSperretLegemidler | 0..1 | code | sfm-kj-consentcodes (required) | Patient consent type for access to disclosed Medication data (HPAKUTT, HPMOTTATTSAMTYKKE) |
SamtykkeLasteResepter | 0..1 | code | sfm-kj-consentcodes (required) | Patient consent type for access to LÅST RESEPT / locked prescriptions (HPAKUTT, HPMOTTATTSAMTYKKE) |
IncludeOriginal | 0..* | code | sfm-include-binary.valueset (required) | Flag for inclusion of (elements from) original e-resep messages |
Return Values (Out)
Name | Cardinality | Type | Binding | Documentation |
medication | 1..1 | Bundle | Main result. Medication bundle document | |
KJHentetTidspunkt | 0..1 | dateTime | Time for result from KJ. Absensce shall be interpreted as no lookup performed | |
RFHentetTidspunkt | 0..1 | dateTime | Time for result from RF. Absensce shall be interpreted as no lookup performed | |
KJFeilkode | 0..1 | Coding | sfm-rfkj-lookupcodes (required) | Error response from KJ |
RFM96Feilkode | 0..1 | Coding | sfm-rfkj-lookupcodes (required) | Error response from RF on M9.6 lookup |
RFM912Feilkode | 0..1 | Coding | sfm-rfkj-lookupcodes (required) | Error response from RF on M9.12 lookup |
KJHarLegemidler | 0..1 | boolean | According to response from KJ | |
KJHarLaste | 0..1 | boolean | According to response from KJ | |
RFHarLaste | 0..1 | boolean | According to response from RF | |
RFPasientreservasjon | 0..1 | boolean | According to response from RF |
This operation is complex, and requier that the Practitioner performing the operation presents a valid HelseID token with identity information, and that the authorisation is available in Helsepersonellregisteret