SFM version 3.x upgrade
Some early misspellings has been correted in profiles and extensions and is effective in SFM Basis from version 3 onwards.
Updated version of following profiles included in SFM 3 (formely called "Charlie"):
The Breaking ones:
https://simplifier.net/r4medication/sfmmedicationcomposition Changed cardinality for entry in sectionPLL (number of sfm-PLLinfo objects) Related: also added a code for M9.12 message in sfm-message-type
https://simplifier.net/R4Medication/SfmDispenceinfo corrected spelling on cancellation and cancellationid + other minor changes
https://simplifier.net/R4Medication/SfmAdministrering added more administration details, added system fixedURI for admBy, - corrected spelling: mddispensed
https://simplifier.net/R4Medication/SfmBandaPrescription corrected spelling on earliestdispense and reimbursementparagraph
Minor corrections:
https://simplifier.net/R4Medication/SfmDeliverysummary spelling changes in "short" and "definition" only
https://simplifier.net/R4Medication/SfmGeneraldispense spelling changes in description only. Minor auto cardinality ajustment
https://simplifier.net/r4medication/sfmgeneraldispenseextention spelling changes in "short" only. Auto cardinality adjustment
https://simplifier.net/R4Medication/SfmMedicationdispense auto: binding strength added for medication. - spelling change on description
https://simplifier.net/R4Medication/SfmMedicationStatement no actual change. Derived from embedded extension delivereysummary, and only in "definition". Auto cardinality ajustments
https://simplifier.net/r4medication/sfmreseptamendment automatic cardinality ajustments only
https://simplifier.net/R4Medication/SfmReimbursementInfo new filename on extension, no other change
Note: Forge tool implies some cardinality changes from omitted/implicit to explicit when updating profiles.
Note: obvious change of version and date is not mentioned above.