Send medical information (sendMedication)

Prescriptions and medication list is sent to the national systems: Reseptformidleren (RF) which then forwards them to Kjernejournal (KJ) for patients listed there.

NOTE: To be able to process and do necessary consistency check, the latest $getMedication must be within a predefined timeframe, and must include a lookup in Reseptformidleren.


  1. EPJ sends compiled list of Medication as a Bundle with specified format (Based on a getMedication response)
  2. SFM validates incoming bundle (See specification and flow chart of validation further down)
  3. SFM analyses content and creates PLL and prescriptions in national format
  4. SFM adds signing to the new PLL, M1s and M5s depending on input
  5. SFM sends one or more M1/prescriptions to RF (in turn also forwarded to KJ)
  6. SFM sends one or more M5/withdrawals and PLL (M25.1) to RF (in turn also forwardet to KJ)
  7. SFM returns response to EPJ
  8. If validation fails SFM returns an OperationOutcome with specific errors on what has failed

Bundle validation (Step 2) Scroll down for further explanation for each SFM validates the $sendMedicationbundle against the last valid $getMedicationbundle. The general validation rules are these:

  • The lookup threshold time for the latest RF lookup is 4 hours
  • The composition identifier needs to match
  • All PLL entries must be present when sending PLL, except for those that are:
    • Discontinued over 3 months ago
    • Have MedicationStatement.status entered-in-error
  • All active RF resepts (Eskpederbar/UnderEkspedering) received in $getMedication response must be included at all times

The lookup threshold time for the latest RF lookup is 4 hours When a $sendMedication is performed it should be based upon a valid lookup in RF, this is done by first triggering a $getMedication call.

The $sendMedication request is based upon the latest valid $getMedicationresponse, where a successful call to RF has been made. The $getMedicationresponse is valid for 4 hours. The user can perform multiple $sendMedicationcalls within that timeframe, as long as a new $getMedicationcall is not made.

When performing multiple $sendMedication requests without a new $getMedication, the $sendMedication bundle will be validated against the previous $sendMedicationbundle. This is done to make sure anything added in the previous $sendMedicationrequest will still be present in the current $sendMedication request.

There are two exceptions of this rule:

  • When a $sendMedication is performed by an MD doctor(org), in that case a new $getMedication must be triggered in between each $sendMedication request.
  • When a $sendMedication is performed for a patient that does not have a FNR or a DNR SFM does not validate against the time threshold.

The composition identifier needs to match When constructing the $sendMedication request, it needs to target the latest valid $getMedication.

This is done by adding the composition identifier from the $getMedication response in the “RelatesTo” element of the $sendMedication bundle, situated in the composition resource entry in the bundle.

"relatesTo": {
  "code": "replaces",
  "targetIdentifier": {
    "value": "<<GetMedication composition identifier>>"

This identifier is used to validate against the correct $getMedication bundle.

When performing multiple subsequent $sendMedication request, they should all target the same $getMedicationbundle, as long as a new $getMedication call is not made.

If the composition identifier does not reference a valid $getMedication bundle, the $sendMedication request will fail.

All PLL entries must be present When PLL should be sent in the $sendMedication request (“createPLL: true) all PLL entries returned in the $getMedication response must be included in the $sendMedication request.

Entries not included in the validation and can will not be included in the PLL are:

  • Entries that have been discontinued more 3 months ago.
  • Entries that have MedicationStatement status entered-in-error (note that PLL validation does not validate vaccines or NIB/FIB, as those are not included in PLL)

All active RF resepts (Eskpederbar/UnderEkspedering) must be included at all times It is important that at all times all ekspederbar and under ekspedering resepts returned in the $getMedication response are included in the $sendMedication request.

This rule must be validated no matter if sending a PLL or not.
