SFM Basis API Implementation Guide

Send medical information (sendMedication)

Prescriptions and medication list is sendt to the national systems: Reseptformidleren (RF) which again forwards to Kjernejournal (KJ) for patients listed there.

NOTE: To be able to process and do necessary consistency check, the latest $getMedication must be within a predefined timeframe, and must include a lookup in Reseptformidleren.


  1. EHR sends compiled list of Medication as a Bundle with specified format
  2. SFM analyses content and creates PLL and prescription in national format
  3. SFM does QA as specified
  4. OperationOutcome is returned to EHR
  5. SFM add signing to the new PLL and prescription
  6. SFM sends one or more M1/prescriptions to RF (in turn also forwarded to KJ)
  7. SFM sends one or more M5/withdrawals to RF (in turn also forwardet to KJ
  8. SFM sendt PLL (M25) to RF
  9. SFM returns response to EHR

Check data (Step 3) Based on input in @sendMedication SFM does consistency checks and other checks before sending information to RF. The following checks are performed:

  1. Lookup in RF has been performed within the last 4 hours and the most recent lookup must include RF lookup.
  2. All head of chain delivered in last lookup ($getMedication) are represented in the bundle.
  3. All medicatonStatements represented in previous getMedication/sendMedication are represented within the new sendMedication
  4. Check which medication statements that should lead to M1, M5 and be included in M25.1
  5. Check if reference numbers are required and retrieve reference numbers if needed
  6. Check user rights to deliver prescriptions to RF

There are several other checks that are planned but not implemented in version 1. These includes checks like:

  • Medication active in FEST
  • Interaction control
  • Double medication control
  • CAVE control