Populating sfm-PLLInfo

PLLinfo may be ommitted on $sendMedication when a user deliberately and according to current rules for PLL selects to not submit the PLL. The sectionPLLinfo is mandatory, but it may be without entries when specifying the emptyReason=nilknown This will be equivalent to specify createPLL=false. Note that createPLL is a mandatory field when submitting sfm-MedicationBundle/Compostition even if the cardinality is 0..1

Attributes required if sfm-PLLInfo is included within bundle

  • code
  • subject
  • metadataPLL
    • createPLL

Attributes that should be included if present

  • metadataPLL
    • relatedparties
    • text
    • substitute
  • warning

For more information see the sfm-PLLinfo under SFM profiles in this guide.