About Norwegian e-resept

Using SFM implies using the Norwegian system for electronic prescription named e-resept

More information (in Norwegian only):

Norwegian e-resept is based on a standardized data model, and serialization as XML messages. The main structure is the M1 Resept, representing all the various types of prescriptions used in Norway, both medicinal and other types. Starting with the introduction of Patients Medication List (PLL) the aggregated information in M25 (Medications in use) there will be a shift in the mechanisms used in data flow and procedures for patient treatment.

From 2019 the Norwegian authorities changed e-resept from a consent based to a reservation based solution, making it possible to require a read before write paradigm when prescribing medication to a patient. The requirements documentation is updated to reflect a mandatory handling of existing medication prescriptions in the patient care, and a corresponding update of both the PLL and the necessary individual prescriptions according to good practice.

Note: e-resept is used as term for both the electronic prescription itself and the total chain of all systems participating in electronic prescription in Norway.