About SFM Basis API

For Hospital EHR solutions SFM provides a dedicated FHIR API for simplified and aggregated access to the national prescription data provided in e-resept.

SFM API Basis will serve EHR installations with integrated medication/prescription functionality. This integration does not rely on UI components, and uses SFM for integration towards the national systems Reseptformidleren and Kjernejournal.

Data is converted between FHIR and the national proprietary XML based message types. Medical data for patients are not permanently stored in SFM Basis API. Transaction data is stored temporarly to control and validate the transaction of reading and later updating the list of a patients medication.

As SFM provides only an interface to the established Norwegian data model, extensions and profiling is widely used in this implementation. The Norwegian model is richer than the international FHIR specification in some structures,and vice versa.

SFM API Basis offers extended operations (services), supporting commands for looking up a patients prescriptions, the PLL (Pasientens Legemiddelliste) and for submision or withdrawal of prescriptions or PLL. Se the chapter Extended operations in this implementation guide.

SFM API Basis suports CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) operations on some of the FHIR resources. Se the chapter Resource operations in this implementation guide.