Multidose info
as from SFM version 3, a new representation for PLLinfo will be included:
Version 2 had only one (or none) objects for pll/multidose info. Version 3 will have either:
- none
- one for each corresponding M25 message (m25.1, m25.2 and m25.3)
- in absense of M25 message(s), and with multidose responsible actors in M9.12: one stripped message containing info on relatedparies
Essentials: (copy from development, will be replaced with more exact specification)
In case of no M25.x messages available by lookup AND md info in M912 or from KJ:
"entry": [
"reference": "urn:uuid:2ca6690f-47a3-4a40-8d86-6085e41629af",
"type": "",
"display": "M9.12"
relatedparties: populate from from RF.m912 or KJ.multidoseinfo (implemented in SFM-6030)
identifier: Message id from M9.6 when available, empty from KJ
code (.coding.code) : “M9.12” , even when info is from KJ
code.text: “No M25 message available”
subject: patient from m9.12 if available
relatedParties will be populated with info on multidose responsibility, Pharmacy only will in this case indicate "Papirmultidose"
In case one or more M25 messages are available:
getMedication: SFM shall populate all elements when present in lookup from RF or KJ
sendMedication: SFM shall parse only entry for M25.1, and ignore any other entry, make sure that the relatedparties info from the M25.1 entry is correctly represented as Rolle elements in the resulting M25.1.
entry: reference shall be encoded to identify the three different types:
"entry": [
"reference": "urn:uuid:2ca6690f-47a3-4a40-8d86-6085e41629af",
"type": "",
"display": "M25.1"
"reference": "urn:uuid:2ca6690f-47a3-4a40-8d86-6085e416296d",
"type": "",
"display": "M25.2"
"reference": "urn:uuid:2ca6690f-47a3-4a40-8d86-6085e41629bc",
"type": "",
"display": "M25.3"
For each entry:
relatedparties: populate from M25.1 EXCEPT multidose responsible pharmacy and doctor that shall be from RF.m912 or KJ.multidoseinfo (implemented in SFM-6030)
delivereyinformation: Not present
text: top level comment comment from M25.1
substitute: Vikar from M25.1
createPLL (only present on sendMedication)
packinginfo: Not present
PLLdate: M25.1 timestamp
warning: any warnings from M25.1
identifier: Message id from M25.1
code: sfm-message-type
subject: patient from M25.1
author: the sender of the m25.1
relatedparties: populate from M25.2 EXCEPT multidose responsible pharmacy and doctor that shall be from RF.m912 or KJ.multidoseinfo (implemented in SFM-6030)
delivereyinformation: Not present
text: top level comment comment from M25.2
substitute: N/A
createPLL N/A
packinginfo: from M25.2
PLLdate: M25.2 timestamp
warning: N/A
identifier: Message id from M25.2
code: sfm-message-type (M25.2)
subject: patient from: N/A
author: the sender of the m25.2
relatedparties: populate from M25.3 EXCEPT multidose responsible pharmacy and doctor that shall be from RF.m912 or KJ.multidoseinfo (implemented in SFM-6030)
delivereyinformation: Data from M25.3
text: top level comment comment from M25.3
substitute: N/A.
createPLL N/A
packinginfo: from M25.3
PLLdate: M25.3 timestamp
warning: N/A
identifier: Message id from M25.3
code: sfm-message-type (M25.3)
subject: N/A
author: the sender of the m25.3
More info on the info mapping will soon be presented here!