SFM (Sentral Forskrivningsmodul or Sentral Prescription Module) is established by Norwegian authorities to be an instrument for improved quality in the Norwegian system for medication and reimbursement prescriptions in Norway - e-resept
Beeing widely used since 2012, e-resept has been a huge success in primary care, and later also in hospitals. As growing mature the active prescriptions in e-resept, and corresponding history in Kjernejournal has increasingly been used as a major source for medication information for patients, both in normal care situations and in acute care.
Analysis have shown that lack of workflow support for handling a patients active prescriptions, and inadequate procedures for prescription have led to a significant amount of double prescriptions, posing a risk for patients health. The presence of double medication is assumed also to indicate general lack of quality in the aggregated information, in particular handling of interactions between different medications. Furthermore, it has shown to be a growing problem that improvements to the e-resept spesifications propagate slowly, or not at all to the users of the wide variety of EHR systems.
SFM implements two alternative integration methods
- EHR with embedded SFM GUI and API Datadeling See: SFM API Datadeling
- EHR with own medication prescription functionality, using SFM API Basis for FHIR integration with Norwegian national systems (This implementation guide)