Prehospital Note


The prehospital note is a summary of the healthcare a patient has received in an ambulance. The information is documented in the ambulance system and when the patient arrives to the hospital and the ambulance contact is closed, the prehospital note is created in COSMIC from the external system.

Included Profiles

  • QuestionnaireResponsePrehospitalNote - Used to create a prehospital note from the external ambulance system with information about a patient's prehospital care.

  • BundlePrehospitalNote - The BundlePrehospitalNote profile may be used as a container for sending a prehospital note from an ambulance system to COSMIC. The bundle contains a QuestionnaireResponse entry but may also contain other resource entries referenced from the QuestionnaireResponse.

Use Cases


  • Prehospital note is limited to a specific medical record template and presentation specifically designed for the prehospital area.