Examples Body Height

Example 1: Creating a Patient Generated Body Height Observation

The following is an example of a POST request where a body height observation is created by the patient. For patient generated observations, it is required to also include an Organization (unit) in Observation.performer. Here, the organization is specified with HSA id. The date and time given for the body height is 2022-01-10, 15:33:48.583Z.


  1. POST [baseURL]/Observation


Link to Json format


Example 2: Searching a Patient's Body Height Registrations by Specifying Required Profile

The following is an example of a GET request in which the search is based on patient ID. To narrow the search to only body height observations, the profile is specified in the query.

Given date interval in the search is 2021-10-01T15:33:48.583Z to 2021-12-01T15:33:48.583Z

As a response, the Observations are included in a Bundle resource.

Search Query

  1. GET [baseURL]/Observation/_search?date=gt2021-12-20T15:33:48.583Z&date=lt2022-12-20T15:33:48.583Z&status=final&_profile=https://fhir.cambio.se/StructureDefinition/ObservationBodyHeightLite/v1&patient.identifier=urn:oid:1.2.752.|198101199282&_include=Observation:subject&_include=Observation:performer.practitioner&_include=Observation:performer.organization


Link to Json format


Example 3: Searching a Patient's Body Height Registrations by Specifying Required Profile & Including performer.organization

The following is an example of a GET request in which the search is based on patient ID. To narrow the search to only body height observations, the profile is specified in the query.

Given date interval in the search is 2018-11-20T15:33:48.583Z to 2022-12-20T15:33:48.583Z

As a response, the Observations are included in a Bundle resource.

Search Query

  1. GET [baseURL]Observation/_search?patient.identifier=urn:oid:1.2.752.|199402112388&date=gt2018-11-20T15:33:48.583Z&date=lt2022-12-20T15:33:48.583Z&status=final&_profile=https://fhir.cambio.se/StructureDefinition/ObservationBodyHeightLite/v1&_include=Observation:performer.organization


Link to Json format
