

The EncounterLite profile is used to communicate information about the care contacts (encounters) created in COSMIC. A care contact reflects the encounter between the patient and the healthcare institute. The care contact entity belongs to the Care Administration module in COSMIC.

COSMIC supports multiple care contact types such as inpatient, clinic visit, home visit, ambulance, video contacts etc. The outpatient care contact types are user defined.

A care contact in COSMIC can belong to one or multiple patients.

Included profiles

  • EncounterPrehospital - Used to create an ambulance contact for a specific patient in COSMIC from an external system, i.e. an ambulance system.
  • EncounterSelfService - Used to retrieve care contact related information needed for self-service workflow (arrival and payment registration).
  • EncounterLite - Used to retrieve inpatient care contact related information.