Dispense Type - CPHA New/Refill Code FINAL

May 3 - Reviewed and approved, TWG

Alignment: This is used in the MedicationDispense - in PrescribeIT, identified for future Use. This is not identified in DHDR.

Usage: Dispense.type

CPHA Mapping: New/Refill Code D.52.03

Value Set

Definition: A "new prescription" is an order, verbal or written, for a specific supply of medication for a patient. This may include authorization to "refill" or "repeat" a stated amount for a stated number of times. A "prescription refill/repeat" refers only to supplies which were authorized on a "new prescription". When all authorized refills have been supplied, another "new prescription" is required if the patient is to continue on the medication.

All codes from: http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActCode

FHIR Code CPHA New/Refill Code Concept CPHA Notes
FF N First Fill
FFP P First Fill - Part Fill
RF R Refill
RFP Q Refill - Part Fill
TB N/A Trial Balance ND = trial prescription balance Intervention code DEPRECATED
TF N/A Trial Fill MT- Intervention Code DEPRECATED