DUR Codes

###Usage: These codes convey clinical issues that are managed by the Pharmacy and conveyed in the claim request. It is also used in the Claim response when adjudicators perform DUR and detect clinical issues with the drug that is being dispensed.

CPHA Map: Request: Intervention and Exception Codes D.65.03 CPHA Map: Response: Message Data Line 1,2,3 E.20.03

The FHIR messages splits fiscal messaging from the clinical portion of the message.



**Following codes to be reviewed by TWG - potential candidates follow:

##Request DUR:

UA Consulted Prescriber and Filled Rx as Written
UB Consulted Prescriber and Changed Dose
UC Consulted Prescriber and Changed Instruction for Use
UD Consulted Prescriber and Changed Drug
UE Consulted Prescriber and Changed Quantity
UF Patient Gave Adequate Explanation. Rx Filled as Written
UG Cautioned Patient. Rx Filled as Written
UH Counselled Patient. Rx Not Filled Review
UI Consulted Other Source. Rx Filled as Written
UJ Consulted Other Sources Altered Rx and Filled
UK Consulted Other Sources. Rx Not Filled Review
UL Rx Not Filled – Pharmacist Decision Review
UM Consulted Prescriber, Rx Not Filled Review
UN Assessed Patient, Therapy is Appropriate

##Response DUR:

**TWG needs to review, determine codes and include here. Today they are conveyed as messages. Implementation work to be completed