Overview and Maintenance

The section details the terminology that is used in the Messaging Standard. The migration from the CPHA standard to FHIR will impose some changes in terminology (field values); however values will only change when necessary in order to be conformant with the FHIR standard and to ensure that there is synchronization with other FHIR standards within the same domain in Canada.

The FHIR Profiles will identify terminology bindings for data elements that specify a data type of "code" or "codeable concept". For example, the Patient.gender field has a binding to the HL7 value set,called Administrative Gender (http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/administrative-gender), and the link to the value set is found in the profile.

Bindings (found in the profiles) are always to a "value set", as a value set can be made up of values from multiple "code sets". It is the code set that is specified in the message. For example, we can create a value set called "PrescriptionMedicinalProduct" that can include values from the DIN, CCDD and NPN code sets. In the message instance, where medication codes are sent, the code is specified along with the code "system" as this combination ensures global uniqueness.

Binding Strengths are an important concept to understand in FHIR and information can be found here.

Terminology Maintenance Process

Terminology, also known as "vocabulary" or "field value sets" will change from time to time in some cases. A terminology maintenance process will be put into place to ensure that all implementers have access to terminology updates on a timely basis. More common updates will include error codes, service codes and DINs/CCDDs.

It is important to note that terminology can be updated without updating the messaging standard. It will be rare, if ever that a terminology update will trigger a new "version" of the message specification. The "publication" will be updated but the message version will remain unchanged. For example, if an error code is added, there will be an updated specification but it will not cause an update to the message structure and is considered a "non-substantive" change.

This project will not publish DIN updates as Pharmacy vendors are aware of updates to this code set as they are published by the source, Health Canada.

The value sets identified within this standard are available in a downloadable format???? (the goal). Implementers may subscribe to updates (HERE) to ensure that they are informed of updates on a timely basis.


Summary of Code Systems - Maintenance Required

Value Set FHIR Profile Binding Owner Maintenance Requirements Code System ValueSet
Assigning Authorities Claim.prescriber Extensible CPHA Medium
Adjudication Category ClaimResponse.item.adjudication.category extensible CPHA low http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/adjudication-category-codes
Alert Codes Response.detectedIssue.code Extensible CPHA Medium http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/alert-codes
Daily Totals Response Status parameter.responseStatus Required CPHA None
Dispense Type dispense.type extensible HL7 Low http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActCode
Dispense PharmaService codes Claim.item.detail.code Extensible CPHA Low http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/dispense-pharma-service
Diagnosis Code Systems Diagnosis Code Required CPHA Low
Dispensed Quantity Unit Dispense.quantity, Claim.item.quanti Extensible CPHA low http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/IE-assigning-authority-protocol
DUR Codes DetectedIssue.code Extensible CPHA Low http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/DUR-codes
New/Refill Code MedicationDispense.type Extensible CPHA Low
Error Codes ClaimResponse.error.code Extensible CPHA Medium
Gender Patient.gender Required HL7 None
Intervention & Exception Claim.item.modifier Extensible CPHA Medium http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/intervention-codes
Intervention U Codes Claim.detectedIssue.Mitigation.code Extensible CPHA Medium http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/mitigation-codes
Intervention C Codes MedicationDispense..notPerformedReason Extensible CPHA? Medium
Message Version MessageHeader.meta.tag Extensible PCS Medium http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/message-version
Not Performed Reason
Intervention C
Claim.item.modifier Extensible CPHA Low? http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/intervention-codes http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/intervention-not-performed-reason
Level of Service Codes ? Extensible CPHA Deprecate?
Medication Codes Health Canada Extensible CPHA External TBD
New Refill Code Claim.type Extensible External Low http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActCode
Note Type tbd Extensible CPHA Low http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/note-type
Note Language ClaimResponse.processNotes.language extensible CPHA Low http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/note-language
OrderableDrugForm Claim.item.quantity TBD extensible Infoway Low http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/orderableDrugForm
Payee type Code Claim.payee? Extensible HL7 Low http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/payeetype
Provider Software ID MessageHeader.software Extensible CPHA Medium http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/provider-software-codes
Prescriber ID Reference Practitioner.identifier.system Extensible Infoway/CPHA Low
Product Selection Claim.supportingInfo:ProductSelection Extensible CPHA Low http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/product-selection
PriorClaimInterventionCode Extensible CPHA Low
Relationship Code Coverage.relationship Required HL7+CPHA Low http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/subscriber-relationship
Response Codes ClaimResponse.error and ClaimResponse.item.adjudication:ResponseCodes Extensible CPHA Medium http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/response-codes
Special Service Codes ? Extensible CPHA Medium http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/special-service-codes
Supporting Information Codes Claim.supportingInformationCategory Extensible CPHA Low http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/supporting-info-category-codes
Claim Response Status ClaimResponse.decision Required CPHA None http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/claim-response-status
Reversal Response Codes ClaimResponse.? Extensible CPHA Low http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/reversal-response-codes
Unlisted Compound Claim.item.code Extensible CPHA Medium TBD??? http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/unlisted-compound-codes
Code System for Response Codes ClaimResponse.item.adjudication:ResponseCodes.reason.coding.system Extensible CPHA Low http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/code-system-values-for-response-codes
Code systems for Intervention Codes Claim.item.modifier.coding:InterventionCode.system Extensible CPHA Low http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/Codesystem/code-system-for-intervention-codes
Claim Response Sub-Type ClaimResponse.subType Extensible CPHA low http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/claim-response-subType
Province Codes MH.Source.ext.SourceProvinceCode Required Infoway none http://canadapost.ca/CodeSystem/ProvinceCodes https://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/ValueSet/canadianjurisdiction

System Identifiers - Fixed Values

The following identifiers have been created for use within the message specification in order to specify a code system or identifier system. These are fixed values that fall within the Pharmacy Claim Standard (pharmacyeclaims.ca) domain.

No maintenance/changes will be required, though new ones may be added over time if a new field is required that requires this. These are necessary to ensure there is a code system or may be used for backward compatibility purposes .

CodeSystem Usage Notes
http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CPHA-identifier/trace-number Claim.identifier Required for backward compatibility
http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CPHA-identifier/reference-number ClaimResponse.identifier backward compatibility
http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CPHA-identifier/IIN MessageHeader.receiver Required for backward compatibility
http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CPHA-diagnosis-ODB-reason-code Claim.diagnosis.code Required for consistency and good practice
http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CPHA-diagnosis-DND-eligible-medical-conditions Claim.diagnosis.code Required for consistency/good practice
http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/special-service-codes Claim.item.modifier fixed value
http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/intervention-codes Claim.item.modifier fixed value
http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/pharma-service Claim.item.detail.productOrService.coding.system fixed value
http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/note-language ClaimResponse.processNote.language.coding.system Needed this as we need a third value to represent unknown; not available in preferred
http://pharmacyeclaims.ca/FHIR/CodeSystem/error-code ClaimResponse.error.code.coding.system fixed value