Substitution Reason Code FINAL

FHIR Mapping: MedicationDispense.substitution.reason

FHIR Definition: Indicates the reason for the substitution, or why substitution must or must not be performed.

CPHA Map: Product Selection D.62.03
CPHA Definition: Code to indicate reason for "no substitution" or other reason for the selection of the product dispensed

CPHA Code Description Notes
1 =prescriber's choice: the prescriber has indicated "no substitution" in compliance with any plan or regulatory requirements
2 =patient's choice: the patient has specified "no substitution" or has selected a specific interchangeable product in writing or by initialling a written or printed statement.
3 =pharmacist's choice: the pharmacist has chosen not to substitute on a prescription or has selected a specific interchangeable product when the prescription is written without the "no substitution" instruction.
4 =existing therapy: the pharmacist has chosen to continue the use of a brand name or generic product where variance of product source may adversely affect treatment.

**All codes from the code system -