Reversal Response

In FHIR, there is only a single type of Reversal Response that is used when the claim reversal has been processed successfully. This maps to both the 61 and 64 transactions from CPHA. This transaction is used to request a reversal for both dispense and professional services claims.

CPHA Reversals

In CPHA3, one of the three responses would be received for reversals. As FHIR combines the reversal request into a single transaction, there is only a single response for a reversal to cover all scenarios

CPHA Transaction Description FHIR - CPHA Mapping
61 response to request for reversal of a pay provider claim which has been adjudicated. 61 will cover both support for 64 also; Pay Cardholder Claims. As both the provider and adjudicator understand this there is no need to separate this aspect of the claims. If the reversal was for a pay cardholder claim this maps to 61 in CPHA
64 response to request for reversal of a pay cardholder claim If the claim request for reversal is for for a pay cardholder claim, map to 64 for CPHA
67 response to request for reversal of a pay provider claim which has been captured but not adjudicated Deprecated; the request for this type of reversal has been deprecated also

FHIR Claim Reversal Response Types

Following are the types of responses for a reversal of a Pay Provider Claim (01).

Request Outcome Response FHIR Profile TBD, Add Links
Claim reversal Successfully Processed HTTP 200 + MH + Parameters OUT Reversal-Success
Note: Reversal may be Accepted or Denied. If Denied response codes may be present to provide explanation
Error Handling
Claim reversal Communication Failure HTTP 4xx or 5xx N-A
Claim reversal Application Error HTTP 200, with Bundle, MH and Operations Outcome Operation Outcome
Example: Missing mandatory data

Reversal Claim Structure

The response will be a bundle with a message header and the focus will be the Paramamters OUT resource, the details of which are shown below

Reversal Parameters OUT - Mapping to CPHA

CPHA FIELD NAME FHIR Parameter Details
E.01.03 Adjudication Date ClaimResponse.created Reversal Date
E.02.03 Trace Number ClaimResponse.tracenumber Trace number from the claim request
E.04. 03 Reference Number ClaimResponse.identifier Reversal Ref number
E.05.03 Response Status ClaimResponse.decision R = rejected
V - reversal accepted
E.06.03 Response Codes Reversal Response Codes Only used when Response Status = R
A7-submit manual reversal
A9-reversal processed previously
E.20.03 Message Data Line Reversal Refusal Reason Only used when the response status = R
New N/A Reversal Amount Only used when response status = V
New N/A Payee Type Patient (CPHA 64) or Provider (CPHA 61)