Install instructions
To install the command line tool, download Firely Terminal
For using npm with FHIR packages, read more here
Release notes
  1. Added the following resources: StructureDefinition: il-core-immunization il-core-immunization-reaction-observation ext-hebrew-date

    CodeSystem: hebrew-date-day hebrew-date-month

    ValueSet: immunization-body-site reason-not-done vaccine-code vaccine-product-code target-disease hebrew-date-day hebrew-date-month immunization-side-effect

    examples: Immunization-with-product-code Immunization-with-snomed-code patient-with-hebrew-date

  2. Modified the following resources: StructureDefinition: il-core-practitioner: made the identifier system display explicit and mandatory il-core-location: Added an invariant and changed cardinality on "address" element

    example: location-general-kind-hospital-ward

il.core.fhir.r4 0.15.1     latest
il.core.fhir.r4 0.15.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.14.3
il.core.fhir.r4 0.14.2
il.core.fhir.r4 0.14.1
il.core.fhir.r4 0.14.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.13.2
il.core.fhir.r4 0.13.1
il.core.fhir.r4 0.13.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.12.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.12.0-snapshots
il.core.fhir.r4 0.11.1
il.core.fhir.r4 0.11.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.10.1
il.core.fhir.r4 0.10.1-snapshots
il.core.fhir.r4 0.10.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.9.1
il.core.fhir.r4 0.9.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.8.1
il.core.fhir.r4 0.8.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.7.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.6.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.5.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.4.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.3.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.2.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.1.1
il.core.fhir.r4 0.1.0
Project Israel Core

Canonical claims

This package contains canonicals that conflict with another package or project. Claimed Claimed Claimed