Install instructions
To install the command line tool, download Firely Terminal
For using npm with FHIR packages, read more here
Release notes
  1. The following resources (id) have been added:

    StructureDefinitions: il-core-address il-core-location il-core-organization il-core-patient il-core-practitioner il-core-practitionerrole

    Extensions: ext-city-code il-hmo parent-name

    CodeSystems: city-symbol cs-paying-entity passport-uri

    ValueSets: city-symbol israel-hmo passport-uri

    Examples: Location-rambam Organization-ministry-of-health Patient-israeli Patient-palestinian Patient-passport Practitioner-gp Practitioner-nurse PractitionerRole-gp-role

hl7.fhir.r4.core 4.0.1
il.core.fhir.r4 0.15.1     latest
il.core.fhir.r4 0.15.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.14.3
il.core.fhir.r4 0.14.2
il.core.fhir.r4 0.14.1
il.core.fhir.r4 0.14.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.13.2
il.core.fhir.r4 0.13.1
il.core.fhir.r4 0.13.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.12.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.12.0-snapshots
il.core.fhir.r4 0.11.1
il.core.fhir.r4 0.11.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.10.1
il.core.fhir.r4 0.10.1-snapshots
il.core.fhir.r4 0.10.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.9.1
il.core.fhir.r4 0.9.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.8.1
il.core.fhir.r4 0.8.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.7.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.6.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.5.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.4.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.3.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.2.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.1.1
il.core.fhir.r4 0.1.0
Project Israel Core

Canonical claims

Some canonicals in this package do not match a canonical claim. Claimed Claimed Claimed