Firely Terminal is a cross platform command line tool with a wide range of commands for working with FHIR resources and installing and publishing FHIR packages.
1. Install the .NET SDK
Install the .NET SDK with this link. Make sure to use version 8. And make sure to use the SDK and not just the runtime.
You can also install it from the command line using the following instruction:
2. Install Firely Terminal
If you run into issues see the trouble shooting page.
To learn more about Firely Terminal, check out our documentation. You can get brief documentation in the tool, like this:
> fhir ?
> fhir [command] ?
Here are some examples to give you an impression or to get you started:
> fhir spec r4
Now using FHIR specfication R4
> fhir server add fs https://server.fire.ly
New FHIR server alias added.
Alias: fs
Url: https://server.fire.ly
Format: Json
> fhir read fs Patient/f201
Resource Patient/f201 pushed on the stack.
> fhir save patient.json
Resource from top of stack saved as patient.json
> fhir search fs Observation _count=20
20 resources where pushed on the stack
> fhir bundle
Pushed bundle on the stack
> fhir resolve http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient
Resource found in Simplifier. Pushed on the stack.
> fhir query "from Patient select name.given, name.family"
Eve Everywoman
Adam Everyman
- Interact with FHIR servers: get, put, post, search
- Write/read FHIR resources to/from disk
- FHIR STU3, R4, R4B and R5
- Install, create and manage FHIR packages
- Bundle resources, and split bundles
- Snapshot generation, ValueSet expansion
- Transform resources to xml or json
- Resolve canonical URLs
- Profiled resource validation
- Simplifier project synchronization
- Filter resources (using FhirPath)
- FQL FHIR data querying
- QC Quality Control and bulk validation
- Bake package publication pipeline
- YAMLGen Resource / Example generation