Install instructions
To install the command line tool, download Firely Terminal
For using npm with FHIR packages, read more here
Release notes
  1. Added the follwing resources:

    • NamingSystem (instances): ** Note: these were created to allow for the use of both the new and the erroneous domains for previously defined identifiers and CodeSystems **

      • il-national-id
      • pna-national-id
      • legal-entity
      • city-symbol
      • paying-entity-moh
      • passport-uri
      • practitioner-profession-moh
      • practitioner-expertise-moh
      • institution-type-moh
      • medical-service-moh
    • CodeSystem:

      • yarpa-medication-code
    • ValueSet:

      • vs-yarpa-medication-code
    • Extension:

      • ext-patient-immigration
    • Example:

      • Patient-immigrant
  2. Modified the following resources:

    • StructureDefinition:
      • il-core-medication-request:
        • Added a new "yarpa" slice to the code
        • Added a new reference to ILCoreMedication
      • il-core-medication:
        • Added a new "yarpa" slice to the code
        • Changed the "manufacturer" element Reference from ILCoreOrganization to Organization
      • il-core-patient:
        • Added a new "Person's Identifier - encrypted" identifier
        • Added 2 extensions:
          • ext-patient-immigration
          • birthPlace (official HL7 extension)
        • Corrected the "short description" of 'enc' slice to include the fact that the encryption is by MoH
      • il-core-related-person:
        • added identifier slices (same as patient's)
        • Corrected the title (added a missing space in the name)
        • Corrected the "short description" of 'enc' slice to include the fact that the encryption is by MoH
hl7.fhir.r4.core 4.0.1
il.core.fhir.r4 0.15.1     latest
il.core.fhir.r4 0.15.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.14.3
il.core.fhir.r4 0.14.2
il.core.fhir.r4 0.14.1
il.core.fhir.r4 0.14.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.13.2
il.core.fhir.r4 0.13.1
il.core.fhir.r4 0.13.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.12.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.12.0-snapshots
il.core.fhir.r4 0.11.1
il.core.fhir.r4 0.11.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.10.1
il.core.fhir.r4 0.10.1-snapshots
il.core.fhir.r4 0.10.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.9.1
il.core.fhir.r4 0.9.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.8.1
il.core.fhir.r4 0.8.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.7.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.6.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.5.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.4.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.3.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.2.0
il.core.fhir.r4 0.1.1
il.core.fhir.r4 0.1.0
Project Israel Core

Canonical claims Claimed Claimed Claimed