Install instructions
To install the command line tool, download Firely Terminal
For using npm with FHIR packages, read more here
Release notes


This beta release introduces the following changes:

  • MM-3647: In the profiles for the concept LaboratoryTestResult.SpecimenSource, the canonical URL and name are changed to "[...]-LaboratoryTestResult.SpecimenSource", in accordance with the zib name.
  • MM-3854: The "title" of the datatype profiles that are used for the reference to zib-HealthProfessional and nl-core-HealthProfessional are changed to simply 'Reference' to make the rendering in Simplifier less confusing. The argumentation for this deviation has been added to the profiling guidelines.
  • MM-3988: Encounter.location has been restricted from 0..* to 0..1, in line with the zib.
  • MM-4035: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib SOAPReport have been added to the package.
  • MM-4038: The context.type of extension ext-TimeInterval.Period has been changed from 'fhirpath' to 'element'.
  • MM-4047: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib MedicationContraIndication have been added to the package.
  • MM-4051: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib AbilityToDrink have been added to the package.
  • MM-4056: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib AbilityToEat have been added to the package.
  • MM-4124: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib AbilityToGroom have been added to the package.
  • MM-4128: Redundant isModifier attributes have been removed from the profiles nl-core-LaboratoryTestResult and zib-Encounter.
  • MM-4140: A FHIRPath error in the constraint on concept HouseNumberIndication in zib-AddressInformation is fixed.
  • MM-4143: In the profile for zib-CareTeam (and thus for nl-core-CareTeam), .participant.member has been made required in all slices that the zib defines in order to make the .discriminator on .participant work.
  • MM-4550: The zib and nl-core profiles for zib LegalSituation have been added to the package.
  • MM-4551: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib Stoma have been added to the package.
  • MM-4552: The zib and nl-core profiles for zib FreedomRestrictingIntervention have been added to the package.
  • MM-4553: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib DOSScore have been added to the package.
  • MM-4554: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib Refraction have been added to the package.
  • MM-4559: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib ComfortScale have been added to the package.
  • MM-4560: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib FLACCpainScale have been added to the package.
  • MM-4571: Zib LifeStance is added as extension on profiles zib-Patient and nl-core-Patient in the package.
  • MM-4572: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib HelpFromOthers have been added to the package.
  • MM-4607: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib ApgarScore have been added to the package.
  • MM-4609: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib AbilityToUseToilet have been added to the package.
  • MM-4612: In the profiles for zib-LaboratoryTestResult and nl-core-LaboratoryTestResult, the cardinality of slice .category:laboratoryCategory is restricted to 1..1 in accordance with the zib.
  • MM-4647: In the zib profiles where a targetProfile for zib-Patient has been defined without and explicit backing by the zib, this targetProfile is removed.

Zibs included

Conformance resources for the following zibs are included in this release:

  • AbilityToDressOneself
  • AbilityToDrink
  • AbilityToEat
  • AbilityToGroom
  • AbilityToUseToilet
  • AbilityToWashOneself
  • AddressInformation
  • AdvanceDirective
  • AlcoholUse
  • Alert
  • AllergyIntolerance
  • AnatomicalLocation
  • ApgarScore
  • BloodPressure
  • BodyHeight
  • BodyTemperature
  • BodyWeight
  • CareTeam
  • ComfortScale
  • ContactInformation
  • ContactPerson
  • DOSScore
  • DrugUse
  • Education
  • Encounter
  • EpisodeOfCare
  • FLACCpainScale
  • FreedomRestrictingIntervention
  • FunctionalOrMentalStatus
  • HeadCircumference
  • HealthProfessional
  • HealthcareProvider
  • HearingFunction
  • HeartRate
  • HelpFromOthers
  • LaboratoryTestResult
  • LegalSituation
  • LifeStance
  • LivingSituation
  • MedicalDevice
  • MedicationContraIndication
  • Mobility
  • NameInformation
  • NursingIntervention
  • NutritionAdvice
  • O2Saturation
  • Patient
  • Payer
  • PharmaceuticalProduct
  • Problem
  • Procedure
  • Refraction
  • SOAPReport
  • Stoma
  • TextResult
  • TimeInterval
  • TobaccoUse
  • TreatmentDirective2
  • Vaccination
  • VisualFunction
hl7.fhir.r4.core 4.0.1

Canonical claims

This package contains canonicals that conflict with another package or project. Claimed Claimed Claimed Claimed