Nictiz is the compentence centre for digital information management in healthcare.

Nictiz is committed to developing a vision for the healthcare information system and the architecture supporting that system. We develop and maintain standards for digital information management, ensuring that healthcare information can be recorded and exchanged in an unambiguous manner.

In addition, we have an advisory function and share knowledge about digital information management in healthcare, focussing not only on the Netherlands, but on international developments as well.


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Updated project layout and relationship to github
Nictiz has rationalized the project names and keys to be future proof. Please update any bookmarks you may have!
avatar   ahenket   Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Nictiz @ Simplifier
Nictiz is now present on Simplifier for FHIR related work
avatar   ahenket   Thursday, June 16, 2016

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