Install instructions
To install the command line tool, download Firely Terminal
For using npm with FHIR packages, read more here
Release notes

Releasenotes for koppeltaalv2.00-0.9.5

  • FIX version 0.9.5 to reflect updates in the package content
  • NEW example of AuditEvent for launch
  • FIX add template so example can be properly validated
  • FIX KOP-575 extra documentation on the CareTeam profile
  • FIX KOP-330 extra cosmetic changes for the warning bar
  • FIX KOP-330 add extra margin to make the warning bar stand out more
  • FIX KOP-330 add extra information to implementation guide to warn for eternal loops
Project Koppeltaal v2.0

Canonical claims

This package contains canonicals that conflict with another package or project. Claimed Claimed