Release notes


This beta release introduces the following changes:

  • MM-3826: The profile for zib AbilityToDressOneself has been published.
  • MM-3825: The profile for zib AbilityToWashOneself has been published.
  • MM-3807: The profile for zib NutritionAdvice has been published.
  • MM-3720: The profile for zib TreatmentDirective2 has been published.
  • MM-3779: The profile for zib Payer has been published.
  • MM-3778: The profile for zib Education has been published.
  • MM-3763: A generic extension has been published to reference the profile for zib NursingIntervention.
  • MM-3762: A generic extension has been published to reference the profile for zib Stoma.
  • MM-3999: The Vaccination dataset adds partial zib AnatomicalLocation to zib Vaccination. In the profile nl-core-Vaccination-event, the datatype profile for nl-core-AnatomicalLocation is added to The binding is set to extensible instead of required to remain flexible for other use cases.
  • MM-3998: Mappings to the dataset Vaccinination-Immunization have been added to the relevant profiles.
  • MM-3990: In the profile for zib-Encounter, the explanation that contact moments can be communicated by making .period.start and .period.end equal has been moved from .period to .period.start and .period.end, where the zib concepts are mapped.
  • MM-3816: Zib concept Encounter.DeviatingResult is no longer be mapped as a reference to zib LaboratoryTestResult, but to Encounter.reasonCode.text, in line with the zib. This is broader than the zib concept, so an explanation is added.
  • MM-3809: In profiles zib-Procedure-request and zib-Procedure-event, the mapping and guidance on the use of zib concepts ProcedureStartDatum and ProcedureEindDatum are only applied to the elements which are mapped directly on these concepts. This makes the explanation more clear.
  • MM-3726: In profile zib-ContactPerson, the data type profile for nl-core-NameInformation was applied to directly, while it should only be applied to the slices. This is corrected.
  • MM-3718: Technical fixes for a ConceptMap and CodeSystem in zib LaboratoryTestResult.

Zibs included

Conformance resources for the following zibs are included in this release:

  • AbilityToDressOneself
  • AbilityToWashOneself
  • AddressInformation
  • AdvanceDirective
  • AlcoholUse
  • Alert
  • AllergyIntolerance
  • AnatomicalLocation
  • BloodPressure
  • BodyHeight
  • BodyTemperature
  • BodyWeight
  • CareTeam
  • ContactInformation
  • ContactPerson
  • DrugUse
  • Education
  • Encounter
  • EpisodeOfCare
  • FunctionalOrMentalStatus
  • HeadCircumference
  • HealthProfessional
  • HealthcareProvider
  • HearingFunction
  • HeartRate
  • LaboratoryTestResult
  • LivingSituation
  • MedicalDevice
  • Mobility
  • NameInformation
  • NursingIntervention
  • NutritionAdvice
  • O2Saturation
  • Patient
  • Payer
  • PharmaceuticalProduct
  • Problem
  • Procedure
  • TextResult
  • TimeInterval
  • TobaccoUse
  • TreatmentDirective2
  • Vaccination
  • VisualFunction

Canonical claims Claimed Claimed
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Name Version Release date
hl7.fhir.r4.core 4.0.1 0.7.0-beta.1