Install instructions
To install the command line tool, download Firely Terminal
For using npm with FHIR packages, read more here
Release notes


This beta release introduces the following changes:

  • MM-3647: In the profiles for the concept LaboratoryTestResult.SpecimenSource, the canonical URL and name are changed to "[...]-LaboratoryTestResult.SpecimenSource", in accordance with the zib name.
  • MM-3854: The "title" of the datatype profiles that are used for the reference to zib-HealthProfessional and nl-core-HealthProfessional are changed to simply 'Reference' to make the rendering in Simplifier less confusing. The argumentation for this deviation has been added to the profiling guidelines.
  • MM-3988: Encounter.location has been restricted from 0..* to 0..1, in line with the zib.
  • MM-4035: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib SOAPReport have been added to the package.
  • MM-4038: The context.type of extension ext-TimeInterval.Period has been changed from 'fhirpath' to 'element'.
  • MM-4047: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib MedicationContraIndication have been added to the package.
  • MM-4051: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib AbilityToDrink have been added to the package.
  • MM-4056: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib AbilityToEat have been added to the package.
  • MM-4124: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib AbilityToGroom have been added to the package.
  • MM-4128: Redundant isModifier attributes have been removed from the profiles nl-core-LaboratoryTestResult and zib-Encounter.
  • MM-4140: A FHIRPath error in the constraint on concept HouseNumberIndication in zib-AddressInformation is fixed.
  • MM-4143: In the profile for zib-CareTeam (and thus for nl-core-CareTeam), .participant.member has been made required in all slices that the zib defines in order to make the .discriminator on .participant work.
  • MM-4550: The zib and nl-core profiles for zib LegalSituation have been added to the package.
  • MM-4551: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib Stoma have been added to the package.
  • MM-4552: The zib and nl-core profiles for zib FreedomRestrictingIntervention have been added to the package.
  • MM-4553: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib DOSScore have been added to the package.
  • MM-4554: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib Refraction have been added to the package.
  • MM-4559: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib ComfortScale have been added to the package.
  • MM-4560: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib FLACCpainScale have been added to the package.
  • MM-4571: Zib LifeStance is added as extension on profiles zib-Patient and nl-core-Patient in the package.
  • MM-4572: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib HelpFromOthers have been added to the package.
  • MM-4607: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib ApgarScore have been added to the package.
  • MM-4609: The zib- en nl-core profiles for zib AbilityToUseToilet have been added to the package.
  • MM-4612: In the profiles for zib-LaboratoryTestResult and nl-core-LaboratoryTestResult, the cardinality of slice .category:laboratoryCategory is restricted to 1..1 in accordance with the zib.
  • MM-4666: The extension ext-AdditionalCategory has been added to make it possible to specify multiple categories whenever core FHIR restricts the category element to be used at most once.

Zibs included

Conformance resources for the following zibs are included in this release:

  • AbilityToDressOneself
  • AbilityToDrink
  • AbilityToEat
  • AbilityToGroom
  • AbilityToUseToilet
  • AbilityToWashOneself
  • AddressInformation
  • AdvanceDirective
  • AlcoholUse
  • Alert
  • AllergyIntolerance
  • AnatomicalLocation
  • ApgarScore
  • BloodPressure
  • BodyHeight
  • BodyTemperature
  • BodyWeight
  • CareTeam
  • ComfortScale
  • ContactInformation
  • ContactPerson
  • DOSScore
  • DrugUse
  • Education
  • Encounter
  • EpisodeOfCare
  • FLACCpainScale
  • FreedomRestrictingIntervention
  • FunctionalOrMentalStatus
  • HeadCircumference
  • HealthProfessional
  • HealthcareProvider
  • HearingFunction
  • HeartRate
  • HelpFromOthers
  • LaboratoryTestResult
  • LegalSituation
  • LifeStance
  • LivingSituation
  • MedicalDevice
  • MedicationContraIndication
  • Mobility
  • NameInformation
  • NursingIntervention
  • NutritionAdvice
  • O2Saturation
  • Patient
  • Payer
  • PharmaceuticalProduct
  • Problem
  • Procedure
  • Refraction
  • SOAPReport
  • Stoma
  • TextResult
  • TimeInterval
  • TobaccoUse
  • TreatmentDirective2
  • Vaccination
  • VisualFunction

Canonical claims Claimed Claimed