FQL is a query language that allows you to retrieve, filter and project data from any data source containing FHIR Resources. It brings the power of three existing languages together: SQL, JSON and FhirPath. It allows you to create tables and is useful for gaining insight and perform quality control.
Release notes
This beta release introduces the following changes:
- MM-4122: In the profile nl-core-MedicalDevice.Product, a note has been added that the reference to patient should not be populated.
- MM-4720: The profile for zib DevelopmentChild has been published.
- MM-4721: The profile for zib PulseRate has been published.
- MM-4742: The profile for zib SkinDisorder has been published.
- MM-4748: In the profiles for zib LaboratoryTestResult, the documentation has been improved on several occasions.
- MM-4750: The ValueSets for the zib AllergyIntolerance concepts CausativeAgent and SpecificSubstance refer a newer SNOMED refset, in line with the erratum published for zib AllergyIntolerance.
- MM-4752: Slices with multiple targetProfiles are separated if slicing is based on the targetProfile. This is documented in the profiling guidelines.
- MM-4760: In the zib and nl-core profiles for Encounter, the slice for zib HealthProfessional now focusses only on the relevant profile and a binding to ZorgverlenerRolCodelijst has been added to the slice.
- MM-4804: The profile for zib StrongKidsScore has been published.
- MM-4808: In the profiles for the score zibs that use coded ordinals (Apgar, ComfortScale, FLACCpainScale, MUSTScore, StrongKidsScore), a comment is added that the ordinal values are added to the ValueSets using an extension.
- MM-4815: The search parameter for Flag category has been published.
- MM-4805: Changes implemented necessary for CiO, a.o. textual changes in zib-MedicationContraIndication profile and broadening of context in ext-CopyIndicator.
Canonical claims
http://nictiz.nl/fhir/ | Claimed |
http://decor.nictiz.nl/ | Claimed |
To install the command line tool, download Firely Terminal
For using npm with FHIR packages, read more here
Name | Version | Release date | ||
hl7.fhir.r4.core | 4.0.1 | |||
nictiz.fhir.nl.r4.zib2020 | 0.9.0-beta.1 |