Install instructions
To install the command line tool, download Firely Terminal
For using npm with FHIR packages, read more here
Release notes

Releasenotes for koppeltaalv2.00-0.11.0

  • FIX package version bump to v0.11.0
  • FIX KOP-682 update Task examples to match the new definition with an instantiates extension
  • FIX KOP-682 fix errors in canonical url and definition of KT2TaskInitiates extension
  • FIX KOP-682 update documentation
  • FIX KOP-682 create a new extension Instantiates on Task to refer to the ActivityDefinition that it instantiates. Create a matching searchParameter
  • FIX KOP-682 retire the search parameter on the Task.instantiatesCanonical element because the element and therefore the search parameter will not be used any more
  • FIX KOP-682 retire the search parameter on the Task.instantiatesCanonical element because it will not be used any more
Project Koppeltaal v2.0

Canonical claims

This package contains canonicals that conflict with another package or project. Claimed Claimed