Release notes

This beta release introduces the following changes:

  • ZIBFHIR-4: Guidance is added to the profile zib-MedicalDevice that the location extension is not needed when the device is an implant, because the location is already present in the linked Procedure.
  • ZIBFHIR-7: In profile zib-ChecklistPainBehavior, a comment has been added that although the components are optional in the exchange, the total score is always calculated using the total score.
  • ZIBFHIR-9: In the profile for zib-Painscore, a comment is added to explain that the existing LOINC codes for the pain measuring methods are no suitable replacement for the custom codes from the zib.
  • ZIBFHIR-12: The equivalence elements in the ConceptMap on AdresSoortCodelijst to AddressUse have been corrected. Moreover, several textual improvements have been made in all ConceptMaps.
  • ZIBFHIR-16: In profile zib-O2Saturation, the code for component extraOxygenAdministration has been changed to SNOMED 266702001.
  • ZIBFHIR-18: The cardinality of component feedingType in profile zib-FeedingPatternInfant has been widened from 0..1 to 0..*.
  • ZIBFHIR-20: The comment in profile zib-NameInformation has been adjusted to “only the zib” instead of encouraging implementers to provide the full family name (.family} and the full name (.text) as well. This encouragement has been moved to the nl-core-NameInformation profile and expanded on to make it an actual requirement (SHOULD) when the structured concepts from the zib are present (checked using constraints). It also provides guidance on how these elements should be constructed from the zib concepts. In addition, this profile explains that these less structured elements can be used outside of the zib as well, although functional backing for these concepts is lacking at the moment. The discrepancy between the zib and FHIR surrounding given names is still present in the zib profile.
  • ZIBFHIR-21: The profiling guidelines now state that definitional resources (profiles, ValueSets, CodeSystems, etc.) should have a narrative with .status = empty. This narrative has been added to all definitional resources.
  • ZIBFHIR-22: The comment on the use of the LOINC code for the cuff type in profile zib BloodPressure has been adjusted to clarify that it is only about the addition next to the SNOMED code, not a replacement.
  • ZIBFHIR-23: The file names and various metadata elements of the terminology resources has been adjusted. The contents of these resources remains unchanged.
  • ZIBFHIR-27: The context has been adjusted in ext-Comment, ext-NursingInterventionReference and ext-StomaReference so that they can be used on any FHIR element.
  • ZIBFHIR-28: In ConceptMap AllergieStatusCodelijst-to-AllergyIntoleranceVerificationStatusCodes an incorrect source ValueSet was defined, and in ConceptMap TreatmentDecisionCodelist-to-ConsentProvisionType a wrong target ValueSet was defined. Both ConceptMaps have been fixed.
  • ZIBFHIR-29: In profile zib-DOSScore, the pattern for Observation.code has been adjusted to a better fitting SNOMED code from the zib.
  • ZIBFHIR-31: The cardinality of the nationality extension in the zib-Patient profile has been changed from 0..1 to 0..*.
  • ZIBFHIR-32: The profile and related resources for zib GlasgowComaScale have been published.
  • ZIBFHIR-33: Several small corrections have been done in the zib-Alet profile.
  • ZIBFHIR-53: The mapping to the root of zib HealtProfessional has been added as well to the root of the PractitionerRole profile (zib-HealthProfessional-PractitionerRole). This mapping was only present on the root of the Practitioner profile (zib-HealthProfessional-Practitioner).
  • ZIBFHIR-54: In name elements according to nl-core-NameInformation, the given name is no longer included in the unstructured display (.text) of de official name, because this is not in line with the FHIR spec.
  • ZIBFHIR-66: In the Observation profiles for several zibs, the .component's that can exist as independent Observation have been moved to distinct profiles, and linked on Observation.hasMember. The following zib profiles are affected:
    • AbilityToDrink
    • AbilityToEat
    • HeartRate
    • PulseRate
    • AbilityToUseToilet
    • BowelFunction
    • DevelopmentChild
    • FluidBalance
    • IllnessPerception
    • Mobility
    • ParticipationInSociety
  • ZIBFHIR-69: The name of code system "COD-821-VEK Vektis Soort relatie" is retrospectively changed to "COD472_VEKT_Soort_relatie_client", indicating that it is about Vektis table 472 and not table 821.
  • ZIBFHIR-70: CodeSystem.count has been removed from CodeSystem resources without content, as this optional field cannot reliably be populated.
  • ZIBFHIR-101: The zib and nl-core profiles for zibs SNAQScore, SNAQrcScore and SNAQ65+Score will be added to the package.
  • ZIBFHIR-102: Properties in CodeSystem resources have been adjusted:
    • property “ordinal-value” has been removed
    • definition url’s of various property’s have been corrected
    • property “deprecated” has been replaced by “deprecationDate”
    • definition of property “inactive” has been corrected
  • ZIBFHIR-107: The profiles and related conformance resource for zibs Burnwound, PressureUlcer and Wound are published."

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Name Version Release date
hl7.fhir.r4.core 4.0.1 0.11.0-beta.1