- Profiles
This Resource covers data about patients. Its attributes provide very restricted demographic information. This includes an Identifier (unique for each patient), given name, family name, birth date, gender and contact details (Phone)
Mandatory elements in the profile:
- Identifier.system - urn:oid:2.16.724.4.41 (OID for Personal identification code (in Spanish, Código de Identificación Personal (CIP))
- Identifier.value - unique identifier for each patient in the system
- name.given
Note - valueset binding for Identifier system in the Patient and Practitioner profiles are removed to hold OIDs Identifier of new EMRs onboarded .
Below is an example JSON for the resource
{ "id": "abdca832-a616-454b-b5c7-f1ed1fb45d4e", "resourceType": "Patient", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:oid:2.16.724.4.41", "value": "AAAA1234567890" } ], "active": "true", "name": [ { "family": "Perez Fuster", "given": [ "Manolo" ] } ], "telecom": [ { "system": "phone", "use": "home", "value": "123456789" } ], "gender": "male", "birthDate": "1975-06-16" }
Message Header
Header for a message exchange that is either requesting or responding to an action. The reference(s) that are the subject of the action as well as other information related to the action are typically transmitted in a bundle in which the MessageHeader resource instance is the first resource in the bundle.
The MessageHeader resource is defined in order to support Messaging using FHIR resources. The principle usage of the MessageHeader resource is when messages are exchanged. However, as a resource that can be used with the RESTful framework, the MessageHeader resource has the normal resource end-point ([base-url]/MessageHeader), which is used to manage a set of static messages resources. This could be used to make an archive of past messages available. Creating or updating Message resources in this fashion does not represent the actual occurrence of any event, nor can it trigger any logic associated with the actual event. It is just for managing a set of message resources.
Message header profile has minor modifications from standard to have the event
custom defined valueset binding and at the same time endpoint
field will have environment actual endpoint for uudev,uutest etc..
This Resource is used to indicate the condition (diabetes type) of the subject (patient)
The condition resource references the patient resource through the element "subject".
Mandatory elements in the profile:
- clinicalStatus - active | recurrence | inactive | remission | resolved (this field is mandatory if the verificationStstus is not "entered-in-error")
- code (bindling valueset diabetes-type
- subject (reference to the Patient resource)
Practitioner is a person who is directly or indirectly involved in the provisioning of healthcare
Mandatory elements in the profile:
- Identifier.system - urn:oid:2.16.724.4.305 (OID for National identity document (in Spanish, Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI))
- Identifier.value - unique identifier for each practitioner in the system
- name.given
- telecom (fixed value for system - email)
Note - valueset binding for Identifier system in the Patient and Practitioner profiles are removed to hold OIDs Identifier of new EMRs onboarded .
Device is the administrative software (like uDTC or mobile apps) that generates the information retrieved from the DeviceComponents (glucometers or insulin pumps). From a Device we can relate one or more child DeviceComponents, optional nested DeviceComponents and DeviceMetrics.
Devices (glucometers, IPs, CGMs) are represented as an IEEE 11073 containment tree of device related FHIR resources. The tree consists of a Device, one or more child DeviceComponents, optional nested DeviceComponents, and DeviceMetrics.
It is important to note that this containment tree was originally developed to support POCD devices, and maps to IEEE 11073 standards.
The design philosophy of using this containment tree additionally for modeling PHD devices and PHGs (PH Gateways such as Phones, PCs) is to maintain strict compatibility with the POCD devices and broader modeling, so that domain models that refer to devices are not different in reference.
Describes the characteristics, operational status and capabilities of a medical-related component of a medical device (for example glucometers or insulin pumps).
The DeviceComponent resource is used to describe the characteristics, operational status and capabilities of a medical-related component of a medical device. It can be a physical component that is integrated inside the device, a removable physical component,or a non-physical component that allows physiological measurement data and its derived data to be grouped in a hierarchical information organization.
A diagram that depicts DeviceComponents structure and relationships is showed below:
Describes mandatory static properties that characterize a direct or derived, quantitative or qualitative biosignal measurement, setting, or calculation produced by a medical device component like glucometers or insulin pumps (for example; mg/dL, [iU], etc.)
The DeviceMetric resource describes mandatory static properties that characterize a direct or derived, quantitative or qualitative biosignal measurement, setting, or calculation produced by a medical device. The DeviceMetric resource can also be used to describe the non-static but highly relevant properties to the metric such as metric status, metric last calibration time and type, measurement mode, color, reference link to the parent DeviceComponent to where it belongs, and any capabilities that the metric offers (for example: setting the metric label).
There are two related resources.
- Device - The physical device that this DeviceMetric belongs to.
- DeviceComponent - The DeviceComponent that this DeviceMetric is part of. This can be a DeviceComponent of any kind like a VirtualMedicalDevice, a MedicalDeviceSystem, or a Channel.
This profile is most current version of the DeviceMetric resource which is used by several applications.
DeviceMetric resource has an element called identifer which has values mentioned as below.
"identifier": {
"system": "",
"value": "2344-0"
- system is static
- value should be populated from DeviceMetric.type.coding.code
DeviceMetric resource generated with identifier element will be based on this profile:
A diagram that depicts DeviceMetrics structure and relationships is showed below:
Operation outcomes are sets of error, warning and information messages that provide detailed information about the outcome of an attempted system operation. They are provided as a direct system response or component of one and provide information about the outcome of the operation.
The OperationOutcome resource is used in the following circumstances: