Other flows

BG Values synchronisation from RDCP to EMR

Data Flow


  1. BG producer sends BG values to Roche;
  2. Roche D.I. stores BG values in RDCP;
  3. Roche D.I. translates the FHIR id to external patient id
  4. Roche D.I. stores the FHIR bundle the bundle in amazon S3 Bucked;
  5. Roche D.I. calls EMR middleware notification API sharing that a new file is available. For more details related with notification interface please read the following documentation;
  6. Middleware connects to API Manager to get Authorisation token. For more details related with Authorisation interface please read the following documentation;
  7. Middleware retrieves the FHIR bundle from amazon bucket. For more details related with File retrieve interface please read the following documentation;
  8. Middleware transforms FHIR file bundle into the EMR message format;
  9. Data is available in EMR;
  10. If the transaction is successfully processed Middleware sends a commit message to Data Integration. For more details related with Processing ACK interface please read the following documentation; Otherwise please check Error handling;

Implementation guide

Please find here BG values synchronisation implementation guide;

Data volumes

Delta (New BG values added from last delivered bundle);

  • 75% up to 500 observations;
  • 12.5% up to 5000 observations;
  • 12.5% up to 12.000 observations;


    Near real time;


  • Delta, BG values not sent previously;
  • Data Integration exclude from FHIR bundle all resources not related with BG observation (leaving only BG observation and related resources);
  • Clinical report from RDCP to EMR

    Data Flow


    1. Clinical report is created in RDCP;
    2. Event is sent to Data Integration;
    3. Roche D.I. creates a CDA and stores it in the Amazon S3 Bucked
    4. Roche D.I. calls EMR middleware notification API sharing that a new file is available. For more details related with notification interface please read the following documentation;
    5. Middleware connects to API Manager to get Authorisation token. For more details related with Authorisation interface please read the following documentation;
    6. Middleware retrieves the CDA report from amazon S3 Bucket, For more details related with File retrieve interface please read the following documentation;
    7. Middleware transforms the CDA file bundle into the EMR message format;
    8. Data is available in EMR;
    9. If the transaction is successfully processed Middleware sends a commit message to Data Integration. For more details related with Processing ACK interface please read the following documentation; Otherwise please check Error handling;

    Data volumes

    A report per patient / encounter;

  • One visit every 3 weeks / patient
  • Average 5 samples per day.
  • Worst case scenario report with 500 records;


    Trigger by physician in RDCP

  • Near real time;
  • File availability notification

    Roche uses a "Push-styleā€¯ method to notify about the availability of new clinical data documents.

    Message Definition

    field description
    EmrOid Emr Org ID
    MessageId Each message receives a system-assigned message ID
    MessageType Message Type ("Clinical Report" for CDA, "Clinical Data" for FHIR file)
    MessageCreatedAt Message creation date
    MessageReference Consists of accesspoint and objectKey
    MessageReceiptHandle to be used in the commit request

    Message Header Definition

    field description
    x-operation-id A unique ID to track end-to-end flow of messages between Roche D.I and EMR Middleware. This unique ID should be returned back to Roche D.I. in header value of Notification ACK Service via the header parameter x-operation-id

    File retrieve

    Once EMR middleware receices the file availability notification, file retrieve interface can be called passing as parameter:

    For more details related with File retrieve interface please read the following documentation; Use accesspoint and objectkey value from MessageReference. Use accesspoint value as bucket name and objectkey as key value.

    For tracking purpose, EMR middleware should send the operation id received via x-operation-id header parameter (received from EMR D.I.).In the file retrieve request, EMR middleware should send a query parameter with the name x-operation-id and value of this parameter should be the value received by EMR middleware through the header parameter x-operation-id in File availability notification flow (sent by EMR D.I.)