API integration prerequisites

In order to integrate with RDCP EMR public APIs, the clients application vendors must share with Roche:

  • Client IP: The public IP of the EMR/EMR Middleware system from which requests are sent to Roche.
  • EMR Organization ID (OID): The OIDs identifying the organization that will exchange information with RDCP (Some EMRs may not have OID and in those cases Roche will generate and provide OID for the EMR).
  • Client CSR file [CN=<EMAILid>.<env>@<COMPANY>.COM] (Refer here to generate Client CSR file).
  • Server CSR file (Refer here to generate Server CSR file).
  • EMR Notification Endpoint: URL where RDCP sends the file availability notification.
  • EMR Notification Endpoint Credentials: It should have userid and password as part of Basic Auth.

Check API Authentication part for more information