

This Resource covers data about patients. Its attributes provide very restricted demographic information. This includes an Identifier (unique for each patient), given name, family name, birth date, gender and contact details (Phone)

Mandatory elements in the profile:

  • Identifier.system - Personal identification code.
  • Identifier.value - unique identifier for each patient in the system
  • name.given

Note : The size limit of the patient id is 64 characters max length


Describes the event of a patient consuming or otherwise being administered a medication.

Administered Medication (either manually reported or reported by an insulin pump) are represented by the MedicationAdministration resource. Medications are generally insulin, but are not limited to insulin.

Below are possible Insulin codes used for medicationCodeableConcept in MedicationAdministration resource.

System Code Display Notes 25305005 Long-acting insulin (substance) Basal insulin 411531001 Short-acting insulin (substance) Bolus insulin C0356369 Mixed Insulins combination of insulins insulinDose Insulin Dose 67866001 Insulin (substance) used for Insulin device metric

Note : For edited use case, If there is any update on any entry, application shall send the updated resource. use shall see the updated details in history. in case of deleted use case the status shall be updated from 'completed' to 'entered-in-error'