Sandbox services

The following services are available in Sandbox enviornment:

  • Patient creation/update;
  • Practitioner creation/update;
  • Health data sharing;
  • Clinical document sharing;

Patient and Practitioner create/update

The Sandbox environment allows external partners to test the Patient and Practitioner create/update services.

Endpoints to perform these actions are documented in Sandbox API

Patient / Practitioner id uniqueness

Since identifier.system (urn:oid: will be the same for all patient / practitioner, the following pattern should be used to create the identifier.value: client id + "_" + system timestamp.

Note: client id will be provided by Roche.


  • e63ab70a4fea4034bcf50b5ecfdb2994_1637744201089

Health data and Clinical document sharing

Healh data sharing service enables health data uploaded by the patient (PHR) to be shared with the helath care provider (EMR). Clinical document sharing allows a point to point push from RDCP professional solution to the EMRs.

The Sandbox environment allows the external partners to test the Health data and Clinical document sharing via:

  1. Notification testing tool
  2. File retrieve

1. Notification Testing Tool

In the real use case scenario, RDC sends a notification to the EMR middleware every time new health data is shared by the patient and it's available in a Data bucket.

In order to replace the manual action of being the patient uploading the data and triggering the flow, this service is provided to replace this manual step:

  • Health and clinical document test data has been pre-configured and uploaded to the Sandbox Data bucket
  • Notification Testing Tool is triggered calling the notification endpoint with the required parameters documented in Notification trigger service.

Could not find subject. File not found for 'subject=Sandbox_notification_trigger_flow_4.png'

  1. EMR middleware calls the notification testing tool to trigger the health data sharing and clinical document sharing. Sandbox endpoints (Notification Trigger endpoint)

  2. Notification testing tool send the notification to EMR middleware.

    The notification information will also be included in the body response of the request made in step 1.

  3. EMR middleware gets the temporary token (awsCredentials) Sandbox endpoints (Get Temporary Token endpoint)

  4. EMR middleware gets the file from the bucket.

  5. EMR middleware send the notification ACK (acknowledgment) after processing the file. Sandbox endpoints (Notification ACK endpoint)

Sandbox data (Notification testing tool)

In order to trigger a notification, one of the following pre-configured patients needs to be provided in the body request when calling Notification trigger Service:

Service Patient Id Demo Data Description
Clinical data sharing SandboxPat1 BG sample bundle Patient used in order to retrieve a bundle with FHIR BG data
Clinical data sharing SandboxPat2 Carb sample bundle Patient used in order to retrieve a bundle with FHIR Carbs data
Clinical data sharing SandboxPat3 Insulin sample bundle Patient used in order to retrieve a bundle with FHIR Insulin data
Clinical data sharing SandboxPat4 BG, Carb and Insulin sample bundle Patient used in order to retrieve a bundle with FHIR BG, Carbs and Insulin data
Clinical document sharing SandboxPat5 Clinical document sharing example Patient used in order to retrieve Patient Medical Report

2. File retrieve

The Sandbox environment allows the EMR integrators to retrieve the Health data and Clinical data sharing files directly from the Sandbox Data bucket (AWS S3).

The sample files available for EMR consumption are already available in Sandbox Data bucket:

Could not find subject. File not found for 'subject=Sandbox_file_retrieve_flow_2.png'

  1. EMR middleware gets the temporary token (awsCredentials) Sandbox endpoints - Get Temporary Token endpoint

  2. EMR middleware gets the file by object key.

Sandbox data (File retrieve)

In order to retrieve data from the Sandbox Data Bucket, the access point, object key and awsCredentials need to be provided to fetch a file.

The awsCredentials could be obtained from the Temporary Token Service endpoint available in Sandbox API (Get Temporary Token endpoint).

Example of awsCredentials obtained after using the Temporary Token Service:

"awsCredentials": {
"SecretAccessKey": "Y4zttkYyfgdKGAgS/p33lXJETPXqcqNBDgxUO1v1",
"SessionToken": "FwoGZXIvYXdzENH//////////wEaDGrlGlfvkWQzIr6D7SLIATXWjML4/MXMP5XxWJRBSC4UXc6ztfrKCTBizWNjBKa/S3sRld+ktV3rSh7aHqFoAD7C31oOEHgE2n0wAsKMnshBjOl8rqsetg+bJK1s9x0gfLLhCZFOj6PogmpMRAcSEvaGa1uQ8FBbGNyk6iRTBnS+D4caXilHF2C4WCq2sEScNv3JWSRojn+Z0+UoMiXpHJ7DRiiiMIA5IHW9ZKwN183VbdBQ53149QStpRlcJImppv9tpYtnnrUJn8Elkzhyni6afnCukF9sKMSdgo0GMi02I6In/YqH/2e5Mx90li/d+zmQ9T1MfWSNZwXBftyDZhNNYqOIVGmEmBp6/vY=",
"Expiration": "2021-11-26T08:37:40.000Z"
"awsResources": [

The access point (S3 bucket) is:


The possible different object keys (payloads) included in above bucket are:

Service object key Demo Data Description
Clinical data sharing delivery/clinical-data/SandboxPat1_bg.json BG sample bundle Bundle with FHIR BG data
Clinical data sharing delivery/clinical-data/SandboxPat2_carbs.json Carb sample bundle Bundle with FHIR Carbs data
Clinical data sharing delivery/clinical-data/SandboxPat3_insulin.json Insulin sample bundle Bundle with FHIR Insulin data
Clinical data sharing delivery/clinical-data/SandboxPat4_bg_carbs_insulin.json BG, Carb and Insulin sample bundle Bundle with FHIR BG, Carbs and Insulin data
Clinical document sharing delivery/clinical-report/SandboxPat5.xml Clinical document sharing example Patient Medical Report

Sample AWS SDK to retrieve a file from amazon S3 bucket and more detailed information can be found here