Sandbox API
Roche Diabetes Care exposes a Sandbox API to allow EMRs, PHRs and other systems test certain features in a simplified way.
The objective of this is to provide an environment where external partners can test certain features without the need to go through full scale onboarding onto Roche systems.
We have provided a set of example certificates, private keys, patients and organization Id that you can use to access Sandbox API.
Title: Sandbox API
Version: v1
Protocols: HTTPS
URI Sandbox:
Authentication: mTLS (See Authentication section for more information)
Sandbox endpoints available for Sandbox services
- Patient Creation
Endpoint: (POST)
More details about this endpoint can be found here
- Patient Update
Endpoint: (PUT)
More details about this endpoint can be found here
- Practitioner Creation
Endpoint: (POST)
More details about this endpoint can be found here
- Practitioner Update
Endpoint: (PUT)
More details about this endpoint can be found here
- Get Temporary Token (awsCredentials)
Get temporary Token required to retrieve files in S3 bucket.
Endpoint: (POST)
More details about this endpoint can be found here
- Notification ACK
Notification to Roche that a message has been processed (acknowledgement).
Endpoint: (POST)
More details about this endpoint can be found here
- Notification trigger
Notification testing tool allows EMR integrators to simulate the Health data and Clinical data sharing services via notification.
This endpoint is just available in Sandbox API since in a real environment the notification is trigerred automatically in Roche systems.
Endpoint: (POST)
More details about this endpoint can be found here