Sandbox API: Notification Trigger Service

Notification testing tool allows EMR integrators to simulate the Health data and Clinical data sharing services via notification.

This endpoint is just available in Sandbox API since in a real environment the notification is trigerred automatically in Roche systems.


POST /sandbox/partners/services/api/v1/notification


Endpoint is secured with mutual TLS. More information can be found here: API Authentication

Request Headers

Name Type Description Example
org_id String Organization OID
x-origin-request-id String Request Unique ID generated by EMR middleware (UUID) 5109d51b-421e-4746-b673-16e3fe2b3442"
client_id String Public identifier for organizations generated by Roche DC e63ab70a4fea4034bcf50b5ecfdb2994
client_secret String Client related secret known only to the EMR and Roche DC CaC74B40140D4a0280478E4188682241
Content-Type String application/json application/json

Body Request

Fields included in the body request:

Field Required Type Description Example
patientId Yes String Patient Identifier SandboxPat1
emrNotificationCallBackURL No String (only Standard HTTPS port is allowed) URL where the notification is sent through a synchronous call Example
callbackUsername No String (should be base64 encoded) Username to call emrNotificationCallBackURL Example
callbackPwd No String (should be base64 encoded) Password to call emrNotificationCallBackURL Example

Example cURL Request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-operation-id: 56506507-2c23-4b5d-a67f-028225bc29a9' \
--header 'org_Id:' \
--header 'client_id: {CLIENT_ID}' \
--header 'client_secret: {CLIENT_SECRET}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw ' {
"patientId": "SandboxPat5",
"emrNotificationCallBackURL": "https://{HOST}/emr/mock/notify",
"callbackUsername": "{USER}",
"callbackPwd": "{PASSWORD}"

Response Example:

On successful, the information of the notification triggered is included in the response. A notification is also sent to the endpoint provided.

"EmrOid": "",
"MessageId": "a21c184e-996f-4f8b-934d-52342685b375",
"MessageType": "Clinical Report",
"MessageCreatedAt": "1603434071811",
"MessageReference": {
"accesspoint": "arn:aws:s3:us-east-1:019364481091:accesspoint/testus3-emr-integration-1361415622113-accesspoint",
"objectKey": "delivery/"
"MessageReceiptHandle": "AQEB / HM0FfuUJEm3ZW + ss9T9IUo6ONzL / 7261n ZZqmBBpNxemmJwtUCe4IisQdyK2ZaHjhcKFJpLJbh4ge7oWYWA6AOcYlt / +EZSvLH + 6 z9XvQtBQt / jL72jku4NUgixs2uk + 9 UeA1EG + zZs9RFYUHstPIv17yFyI038BbZaKJpZGV + auiWuwd7zrfudWF3cJuCZsiSruFALVtt + RME + VPjF1JOmrfGPZCY3eK2MioAOwjt9yacLezqhTLKl6aaVpzUg1T05hu9NJbnM43 + 4 WdlCm5X7FuAud4knS6BKkFiLvvSEbgxXATjDAPsCn9Ze + Q9vUXM9V86WQxhwzTte3slDJqfo6QiJLUwh4ngfjNMr3q6 + dc9idSnFH4oZ08ZW9wuN7O5LT8vYhfF3Tppw / YP0aH5RoAs7momCCo7uIm + dEO8 = "