The RDC Sandbox is a testing environment that simulates the EMR Integration production services in isolation.
The Sandbox mirrors the features on the EMR Integration production services. So, external partners can test the EMR integration flows in an easy and simplified way.
All the services available in Sandbox environment can be found in Sandbox Services.
Please, before read the details of this chapter, ensure you have the enough knowledge about EMR Integration flows.
The following information is needed to use Sandbox APIs:
- Organization ID: Public identifier of the organization.
Organization Id to be used for Sandbox environment:
This value is provided as org_id in the rest APIs request headers
- Client Certificate for mutual Authentication: Client certificate and private key for the trusted middleware that is acting on behalf of an Organization.
The Client certificate and private key will be provided by Roche.
- Client ID / Secret: Client ID is a public identifier generated by Roche identifying the organization. Client Secret is a secret known only to the application and Roche ecosystem. This key pair will be provided by Roche.
The Client Id and Secret will be provided by Roche.