Partners Services API
Roche Diabetes Care exposes an API to offer to Partners non FHIR Services in order to communicate with Roche ecosystem.
Title: Partners Services API
Version: v1
Protocols: HTTPS
URI Live:
URI Demo:
Swagger file: Here
Visual API Specification: (It is needed to add the client certificate in the browser for DEMO environment)
Partners Services API is secured with mutual TLS for identifying both parties and for securing communication between systems.
API Authentication for more information
Get Token (Get temporary Token required to retrieve files in S3 bucket)
Notification ACK (Notify that a message has been processed)
Notification ACK Service
Notification ACK API definition
The purpose of this endpoint is to notify that a message has been processed
Method | Endpoint | URI Parameters | Request Headers | Request Body | Response Body | Security |
POST | https://[host]/partners/services/api/v1/notification/ack | NA | receiptHandle: Identifier of the message org_id : Organization OID x-origin-request-id: Request unique id, generated by EMR middleware client_id : Public identifier for organizations generated by Roche DC client_secret : Client related secret known only to the EMR and Roche DC Content-Type: Default value application/json |
NA | Please check Response Definition | Mutual TLS Authentication (mTLS) |
Complete Services API Specification here
Request Definition
- Please find Example cURL Request here
Response Definition
Success response: HTTP Status Code 200 Message was notified successfully
Error response:
Please find Error handling details here
Get Token Service
Get Token Service API definition
The purpose of this endpoint is to get temporary Token required to retrieve files in S3 bucket
Method | Endpoint | URI Parameters | Request Headers | Request Body | Response Body | Security |
POST | https://[host]/partners/services/api/v1/token | NA | org_id : Organization OID Note: Refer emr payload for OID [here] x-origin-request-id: Request unique id, generated by EMR middleware client_id : Public identifier for organizations generated by Roche DC client_secret : Client related secret known only to the EMR and Roche DC Content-Type: Default value application/json |
NA | Please check Response Definition | Mutual TLS Authentication (mTLS) |
Complete Services API Specification here
Request Definition
- Please find Example cURL Request here
Response Definition
Success response: HTTP Status Code 200 with temporary aws credentials to retrieve files from S3 access points.
{ "awsCredentials": { "AccessKeyId": "ASIAQJARWRBBSH", "SecretAccessKey": "MDcJAurLlByzmeAPMszWkd6Xy12ZioCZK", "SessionToken": "FwoGZXIvYXdzEEkaDDeTFvNtX7xj/AAvgCLIAXte7G6fwnc8O91oifBOhZO/i8HQ1eWKoxO5KW2AUEHLt8dn2Q5io0UgsjM", "Expiration": "2020-11-12T08:49:00.000Z" }, "awsResources": [ "arn:aws:s3:us-east-1:019364481091:accesspoint/example-emr-integration-" ] }
Error response:
Please find Error handling details here