This Resource covers data about patients. Its attributes provide very restricted demographic information. This includes an Identifier (unique for each patient), given name, family name, birth date, gender and contact details (Phone)
Mandatory elements in the profile:
- Identifier.system - urn:oid:2.16.724.4.41 (OID for Personal identification code (in Spanish, Código de Identificación Personal (CIP))
- Identifier.value - unique identifier for each patient in the system
- name.given
Note - valueset binding for Identifier system in the Patient and Practitioner profiles are removed to hold OIDs Identifier of new EMRs onboarded .
Below is an example JSON for the resource
{ "id": "abdca832-a616-454b-b5c7-f1ed1fb45d4e", "resourceType": "Patient", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:oid:2.16.724.4.41", "value": "AAAA1234567890" } ], "active": "true", "name": [ { "family": "Perez Fuster", "given": [ "Manolo" ] } ], "telecom": [ { "system": "phone", "use": "home", "value": "123456789" } ], "gender": "male", "birthDate": "1975-06-16" }