Install instructions
To install the command line tool, download Firely Terminal
For using npm with FHIR packages, read more here
Release notes

Please note: this is a pre-release.

This pre-release contains the intended (backwards incompatible) changes for the Summer release 2020.01, which follows the earlier 2019.01 releases. It applies to the Nictiz FHIR STU3 conformance resources and MedMij information standards.

The following FHIR changes are included:

  • MM-1177 | Split up information standard specific profiles from generic (HCIM) profiles
  • MM-1034 | Improve slicing logic for Media.identifier images-Media profile

Feel free to comment and/or create a pull request on Github.

The full list of changes for the Summer release can be found on Bits (when logged in).


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