Release notes

Alpha release of HL7 FHIR R4 compliant profiles and related conformance materials for the information standard Vaccination-Immunization, version 2.0.0-alpha.3.

This release contains the following changes:

  • VI-25: The use case “Raadplegen Vaccinaties door persoon” from version 1 of Vaccination-Immunization was not suited for exchanging Vaccinations without a product code from the G-standaard. To make this possible, and especially exchanging vaccinations coded with SNOMED, several changes have been applied:

    • Follow the information standard MedicationProcess 9 3.0.0-beta.3 on the concept PharmaceuticalProduct where possible
    • Add SNOMED as an option for use with the concept ProductCode in PharmaceuticalProduct
    • Change value set bindings for ProductCode from required to extensible
    • Change cardinality for ProductCode in PharmaceuticalProduct from 1..1M to 1..*R to make exchanging alternative vaccine codes next to primary codes possible
    • Add use case specific FHIR profiles for PharmaceuticalProduct and Vaccination because they contain non-compatible changes in relation to the corresponding zibs

    Functional design and FHIR IG, examples, tes-t and qualification material are changed according to the previous changes.

Please consult the implementation guide for more information.


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