Install instructions
To install the command line tool, download Firely Terminal
For using npm with FHIR packages, read more here
Release notes

Version 2.2

Feature release to add no-basis-Appointment and no-basis-AppointmentResponse profile definition (issue #97). Including bugfixes:

issue #87 HNR, lokale hjelpenummer issue #99 Wrong canonical on NoBasisRelatedPersonReference issue #97 Removed deprecated proposal for no-basis-Encounter

2.2.0 Changelog

Release date: 2023-10-06

no-basis-Appointment Added profile, with example no-basis-AppointmentResponse Added profile, with example no-basis-Virtual-Service Added extension no-basis-group Added extension no-basis-partof Added extension no-basis-shortnotice Added extension No Basis VirtualServiceType Value Set Added valueset

hl7.fhir.r4.core 4.0.1

Canonical claims

This package contains canonicals that conflict with another package or project. Claimed