This ValueSet has values to describe the Diabetes Type
of the Patient.
ValueSet |
url : |
identifier |
system : |
value : diabetes-type |
version : 1 |
name : Diabetes-type |
status : draft |
compose |
include |
system : |
concept |
code : 46635009 |
display : Diabetes mellitus type 1 |
concept |
code : 44054006 |
display : Diabetes mellitus type 2 |
concept |
code : 11687002 |
display : Gestational diabetes mellitus |
concept |
code : 609561005 |
display : Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (disorder) |
concept |
code : 426875007 |
display : Latent autoimmune diabetes mellitus in adult (disorder) |
include |
system : |
concept |
code : OTH |
display : other |
experimental : False |
This ValueSet has the values that define the type of DeviceMetric
Used in type
field in DeviceMetric resource.
NOTE: This is a subset of the ValueSet containing systems that are only relevant to EMR integration
ValueSet |
url : |
identifier |
value : devicemetric-metric-type |
system : |
version : 1 |
name : MetricCodes |
status : draft |
compose |
include |
system : |
concept |
code : 41653-7 |
display : Glucose [Mass/volume] in Capillary blood by Glucometer |
experimental : False |
date : 2018-05-16 |
This ValueSet has many units of measure from ucum and Roche-cs codesystems.
Many fields of many resources can bind to this ValueSet. It is mainly used in unit
field in DeviceMetric resource, and fields that have a valueQuantity
datatype binds to this ValueSet as well.
NOTE: This is a subset of the ValueSet containing systems that are only relevant to EMR integration
ValueSet |
url : |
identifier |
value : devicemetric-metric-unit |
system : |
version : 1 |
name : MetricUnits |
status : draft |
compose |
include |
system : |
concept |
code : mg/dL |
display : milligram per deciliter |
concept |
code : [iU] |
display : international unit |
concept |
code : [IU]/h |
display : international unit per hour |
experimental : False |
date : 2018-05-16 |
This ValueSet has the values used in category
element for every observation
NOTE: This is a subset of the ValueSet containing systems that are only relevant to EMR integration
ValueSet |
id : cb9e5e96-2f9c-4d8e-9569-b24ba1c456d5 |
url : |
identifier |
value : observation-category-type |
system : |
version : 1 |
name : observation-category-type |
status : active |
compose |
include |
system : |
concept |
code : EWM |
display : Error, Warning, Maintenance, Status |
concept |
code : clinical-observation |
display : Clinical Observation |
concept |
code : carb-observation |
display : Carbohydrate intake Observation |
concept |
code : carb-advice |
display : Carbohydrate advice observation |
include |
system : |
concept |
code : vital-signs |
display : Vital Signs |
include |
system : |
concept |
code : 84626001 |
display : Nutritional value, function (observable entity) |
experimental : False |
date : 2018-05-16 |
This ValueSet has the values used in code
element for every observation
NOTE: This is a subset of the ValueSet containing systems that are only relevant to EMR integration
This ValueSet has codes to show the information of the moment of the day that the observation has taken place. It is used in event-timings extension in bg-observations resource.
NOTE: This is a subset of the ValueSet containing systems that are only relevant to EMR integration
ValueSet |
url : |
identifier |
value : event-timing |
system : |
version : 1 |
name : EventTimings |
status : draft |
compose |
include |
system : |
concept |
code : AC |
display : AC |
concept |
code : PC |
display : PC |
concept |
code : C |
display : C |
concept |
code : CM |
display : CM |
concept |
code : CD |
display : CD |
concept |
code : CV |
display : CV |
concept |
code : ACM |
display : ACM |
concept |
code : PCM |
display : PCM |
concept |
code : ACD |
display : ACD |
concept |
code : PCD |
display : PCD |
concept |
code : ACV |
display : ACV |
concept |
code : PCV |
display : PCV |
concept |
code : HS |
display : HS |
concept |
code : WAKE |
display : WAKE |
include |
concept |
code : ATEA |
display : Before teatime |
concept |
code : PTEA |
display : After teatime |
concept |
code : ASNACK |
display : Before snack |
concept |
code : PSNACK |
display : After snack |
concept |
code : SNACK |
display : Snack |
concept |
code : MIDSLEEP |
display : Midsleep |
concept |
code : AEXERCISE |
display : Before exercise |
concept |
code : PEXERCISE |
display : After exercise |
concept |
code : BT |
display : Bed time |
system : |
include |
concept |
code : NIGHT |
display : Night |
system : |
include |
concept |
code : OTH |
display : other |
system : |
experimental : False |
date : 2018-05-16 |
This ValueSet has values that describe the insulin type administered.
ValueSet 'insulin-codes'
Version | 1 |
Status | Active (since 2019-04-30) |
Experimental | False |
This value set includes codes from the following code systems:
The following codes from system:
Code Display C0356369 Mixed Insulins The following codes from system: SNOMED_CT
Code Display 25305005 Long-acting insulin (substance) 411531001 Short-acting insulin (substance) 67866001 Insulin (substance) The following codes from system: RocheCodeSystem
Code Display insulinDose Insulin Dose
This ValueSet has the values that are used in EWM-Observations to describe types of status
, error
, warning
, maintenance
or event
that are occuring.
ValueSet 'upr-ewm-codes'
Version | 1 |
Status | Active (since 2019-10-09) |
Experimental | False |
This value set includes codes from the following code systems:
The following codes from system: RocheCodeSystem
Code Display STATUS_1 Manually entered ALARM_1 Cartridge low ALARM_2 Battery low ALARM_3 Review time and date ALARM_4 Alarm clock (Spirit pump) ALARM_5 Remaining pump time ALARM_6 TBR cancelled; not in EVENT ALARM_7 TBR over; not in EVENT ALARM_8 Bolus cancelled ALARM_9 End of use time alert ERROR_1 Cartridge empty ERROR_2 Battery empty ERROR_3 Automatic off ERROR_4 Occlusion ERROR_5 End of use time ERROR_6 Mechanical error ERROR_7 Electronic error ERROR_8 Power interrupt ERROR_9 End of operation ERROR_10 Cartridge error ERROR_11 Set not primed ERROR_12 Data interrupted ERROR_13 Language error ERROR_14 Concentration changed MAINTENANCE_20 Cartridge missing WARNING_1 Cartridge low WARNING_2 Battery low WARNING_4 Call for update WARNING_5 Pump timer WARNING_9 Loantime warning WARNING_10 Bluetooth fault WARNING_33 Review time and date WARNING_34 Lifetime warning WARNING_39 Loantime warning WARNING_40 Expired strip WARNING_41 Used drum WARNING_42 Temperature warning MAINTENANCE_21 Cartridge empty MAINTENANCE_22 Battery depleted MAINTENANCE_23 Automatic off MAINTENANCE_26 Cartridge error MAINTENANCE_27 Data interrupted MAINTENANCE_28 Insulin timeout over MAINTENANCE_29 Battery type MAINTENANCE_30 Cartridge type EVENT_1 Run EVENT_2 Pause EVENT_3 Stop EVENT_4 Cartridge Changed EVENT_5 N-M EVENT_6 TBR end EVENT_7 Power Up EVENT_8 Power Down EVENT_9 None EVENT_10 Time / Date corrected EVENT_11 Time / Date set EVENT_12 TBR start EVENT_13 Prime Infusion Set EVENT_14 Rewind Piston Rod EVENT_15 Other EVENT_16 Basal Profile Switch EVENT_17 Profile changed EVENT_18 Power Up - Virtual EVENT_19 Power Down - Virtual EVENT_20 Time / Date corrected - Virtual EVENT_21 Time / Date set - Virtual EVENT_22 TBR End (cancelled) EVENT_23 Power up (time shift back) EVENT_24 Time / Date set (time shift back) EVENT_25 Timed Out Dose EVENT_26 Asterisk STATUS_2 Valid Flag WARNING_43 Warning EOL WARNING_44 EOL ERROR_15 Dose Amount Measurement Error ERROR_16 Recoverable Error ERROR_17 Unrecoverable Error ERROR_18 Interrupted Injection ERROR_19 Pulsed Injection ERROR_20 Corrupted entry ERROR_21 Big Dose Error ERROR_22 Drug Type Measurement Error WARNING_45 Reservoir end time WARNING_46 Battery attention WARNING_47 Reservoir low WARNING_48 TBR cancelled MAINTENANCE_31 Reservoir issue MAINTENANCE_32 Reservoir change not completed MAINTENANCE_33 Reservoir empty ERROR_23 Battery error ERROR_24 Sensor error ERROR_25 CRC Corrupted ERROR_26 Dose in progress WARNING_11 Big Dose Warning hypo-warning Hypo Warning hyper-warning Hyper Warning ERROR_30 Device fault WARNING_57 Minimum rate of change WARNING_58 Maximum rate of change WARNING_49 Calibration Required WARNING_56 Session ended ERROR_39 Connection lost WARNING_51 Sensor temperature too low WARNING_52 Sensor temperature too high MAINTENANCE_34 Calibration failed MAINTENANCE_35 Calibration recommended MAINTENANCE_36 Sensor Warming up MAINTENANCE_37 Sign in required ERROR_40 Sensor malfunction WARNING_59 Hypo warning urgent ERROR_41 Type Incorrect For Device ERROR_42 Device Specific Alert MAINTENANCE_38 Calibration Not Allowed MAINTENANCE_39 Session Stopped MAINTENANCE_40 Sensor Rate Decrease Exceeded MAINTENANCE_41 Sensor Rate Increase Exceeded E-101 Transmitter not found E-102 CGM app was terminated due to an internal error E-104 Memory full E-105 Time outside of limits E-106 Data integrity corrupted E-107 Error in flow monitor E-108 Error in flow control E-111 CGM was terminated due to an EMWR error E-112 Session ended because wrong dialog was shown E-125 Incorrect CGM system I-101 Calibration not possible I-102 End session rcommended (repeating sensor failures) I-103 Calibration failed M-102 Incorrect sensor type M-115 Sensor must be calibrated M-116 Sensor Rate Increase Exceeded M-117 Sensor malfunctioning M-118 Connection lost to transmitter M-119 No transmitter in range M-120 Session ended because sensor operation time expired M-122 Sensor temperature too low M-123 Sensor temperature too high M-124 Smartphone battery almost empty M-125 Connection failure to transmitter R-100 Calibration required reminder R-101 Calibration recommended R-102 CGM session will end soon W-101 Incorrect pin W-103 Invalid bg/insulin/carb entry W-107 Transmitter malfunctioning W-108 Sensor malfunctioning W-109 Cannot undo action W-111 End cgm session confirmation W-112 Smartphone rooted W-126 Cgm session not started W-130 Smartphone not supported W-132 High CGM warning MESSAGE_1 Marketing 1 MESSAGE_2 Marketing 2 The following codes from system: SNOMED_CT
Code Display 103713001 Replacement of catheter (procedure) 384728007 Replacement of device (procedure)