This ValueSet has values that describe the insulin type administered.
ValueSet 'insulin-codes'
Version | 1 |
Status | Active (since 2019-04-30) |
Experimental | False |
This value set includes codes from the following code systems:
The following codes from system:
Code Display C0356369 Mixed Insulins The following codes from system: SNOMED_CT
Code Display 25305005 Long-acting insulin (substance) 411531001 Short-acting insulin (substance) 67866001 Insulin (substance) The following codes from system: RocheCodeSystem
Code Display insulinDose Insulin Dose
{ "resourceType": "ValueSet", "id": "dec7c161-3f4b-4404-8849-9a52f04474d6", "url": "", "identifier": [ { "value": "upr-ewm-codes", "system": "" } ], "version": "1", "name": "upr-ewm-codes", "status": "active", "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "", "concept": [ { "code": "STATUS_1", "display": "Manually entered" }, { "code": "ALARM_1", "display": "Cartridge low" }, { "code": "ALARM_2", "display": "Battery low" }, { "code": "ALARM_3", "display": "Review time and date" }, { "code": "ALARM_4", "display": "Alarm clock (Spirit pump)" }, { "code": "ALARM_5", "display": "Remaining pump time" }, { "code": "ALARM_6", "display": "TBR cancelled; not in EVENT" }, { "code": "ALARM_7", "display": "TBR over; not in EVENT" }, { "code": "ALARM_8", "display": "Bolus cancelled" }, { "code": "ALARM_9", "display": "End of use time alert" }, { "code": "ERROR_1", "display": "Cartridge empty" }, { "code": "ERROR_2", "display": "Battery empty" }, { "code": "ERROR_3", "display": "Automatic off" }, { "code": "ERROR_4", "display": "Occlusion" }, { "code": "ERROR_5", "display": "End of use time" }, { "code": "ERROR_6", "display": "Mechanical error" }, { "code": "ERROR_7", "display": "Electronic error" }, { "code": "ERROR_8", "display": "Power interrupt" }, { "code": "ERROR_9", "display": "End of operation" }, { "code": "ERROR_10", "display": "Cartridge error" }, { "code": "ERROR_11", "display": "Set not primed" }, { "code": "ERROR_12", "display": "Data interrupted" }, { "code": "ERROR_13", "display": "Language error" }, { "code": "ERROR_14", "display": "Concentration changed" }, { "code": "MAINTENANCE_20", "display": "Cartridge missing" }, { "code": "WARNING_1", "display": "Cartridge low" }, { "code": "WARNING_2", "display": "Battery low" }, { "code": "WARNING_4", "display": "Call for update" }, { "code": "WARNING_5", "display": "Pump timer" }, { "code": "WARNING_9", "display": "Loantime warning" }, { "code": "WARNING_10", "display": "Bluetooth fault" }, { "code": "WARNING_33", "display": "Review time and date" }, { "code": "WARNING_34", "display": "Lifetime warning" }, { "code": "WARNING_39", "display": "Loantime warning" }, { "code": "WARNING_40", "display": "Expired strip" }, { "code": "WARNING_41", "display": "Used drum" }, { "code": "WARNING_42", "display": "Temperature warning" }, { "code": "MAINTENANCE_21", "display": "Cartridge empty" }, { "code": "MAINTENANCE_22", "display": "Battery depleted" }, { "code": "MAINTENANCE_23", "display": "Automatic off" }, { "code": "MAINTENANCE_26", "display": "Cartridge error" }, { "code": "MAINTENANCE_27", "display": "Data interrupted" }, { "code": "MAINTENANCE_28", "display": "Insulin timeout over" }, { "code": "MAINTENANCE_29", "display": "Battery type" }, { "code": "MAINTENANCE_30", "display": "Cartridge type" }, { "code": "EVENT_1", "display": "Run" }, { "code": "EVENT_2", "display": "Pause" }, { "code": "EVENT_3", "display": "Stop" }, { "code": "EVENT_4", "display": "Cartridge Changed" }, { "code": "EVENT_5", "display": "N-M" }, { "code": "EVENT_6", "display": "TBR end" }, { "code": "EVENT_7", "display": "Power Up" }, { "code": "EVENT_8", "display": "Power Down" }, { "code": "EVENT_9", "display": "None" }, { "code": "EVENT_10", "display": "Time / Date corrected" }, { "code": "EVENT_11", "display": "Time / Date set" }, { "code": "EVENT_12", "display": "TBR start" }, { "code": "EVENT_13", "display": "Prime Infusion Set" }, { "code": "EVENT_14", "display": "Rewind Piston Rod" }, { "code": "EVENT_15", "display": "Other" }, { "code": "EVENT_16", "display": "Basal Profile Switch" }, { "code": "EVENT_17", "display": "Profile changed" }, { "code": "EVENT_18", "display": "Power Up - Virtual" }, { "code": "EVENT_19", "display": "Power Down - Virtual" }, { "code": "EVENT_20", "display": "Time / Date corrected - Virtual" }, { "code": "EVENT_21", "display": "Time / Date set - Virtual" }, { "code": "EVENT_22", "display": "TBR End (cancelled)" }, { "code": "EVENT_23", "display": "Power up (time shift back)" }, { "code": "EVENT_24", "display": "Time / Date set (time shift back)" }, { "code": "EVENT_25", "display": "Timed Out Dose" }, { "code": "EVENT_26", "display": "Asterisk" }, { "code": "STATUS_2", "display": "Valid Flag" }, { "code": "WARNING_43", "display": "Warning EOL" }, { "code": "WARNING_44", "display": "EOL" }, { "code": "ERROR_15", "display": "Dose Amount Measurement Error" }, { "code": "ERROR_16", "display": "Recoverable Error" }, { "code": "ERROR_17", "display": "Unrecoverable Error" }, { "code": "ERROR_18", "display": "Interrupted Injection" }, { "code": "ERROR_19", "display": "Pulsed Injection" }, { "code": "ERROR_20", "display": "Corrupted entry" }, { "code": "ERROR_21", "display": "Big Dose Error" }, { "code": "ERROR_22", "display": "Drug Type Measurement Error" }, { "code": "WARNING_45", "display": "Reservoir end time" }, { "code": "WARNING_46", "display": "Battery attention" }, { "code": "WARNING_47", "display": "Reservoir low" }, { "code": "WARNING_48", "display": "TBR cancelled" }, { "code": "MAINTENANCE_31", "display": "Reservoir issue" }, { "code": "MAINTENANCE_32", "display": "Reservoir change not completed" }, { "code": "MAINTENANCE_33", "display": "Reservoir empty" }, { "code": "ERROR_23", "display": "Battery error" }, { "code": "ERROR_24", "display": "Sensor error" }, { "code": "ERROR_25", "display": "CRC Corrupted" }, { "code": "ERROR_26", "display": "Dose in progress" }, { "code": "WARNING_11", "display": "Big Dose Warning" }, { "code": "hypo-warning", "display": "Hypo Warning" }, { "code": "hyper-warning", "display": "Hyper Warning" }, { "code": "ERROR_30", "display": "Device fault" }, { "code": "WARNING_57", "display": "Minimum rate of change" }, { "code": "WARNING_58", "display": "Maximum rate of change" }, { "code": "WARNING_49", "display": "Calibration Required" }, { "code": "WARNING_56", "display": "Session ended" }, { "code": "ERROR_39", "display": "Connection lost" }, { "code": "WARNING_51", "display": "Sensor temperature too low" }, { "code": "WARNING_52", "display": "Sensor temperature too high" }, { "code": "MAINTENANCE_34", "display": "Calibration failed" }, { "code": "MAINTENANCE_35", "display": "Calibration recommended" }, { "code": "MAINTENANCE_36", "display": "Sensor Warming up" }, { "code": "MAINTENANCE_37", "display": "Sign in required" }, { "code": "ERROR_40", "display": "Sensor malfunction" }, { "code": "WARNING_59", "display": "Hypo warning urgent" }, { "code": "ERROR_41", "display": "Type Incorrect For Device" }, { "code": "ERROR_42", "display": "Device Specific Alert" }, { "code": "MAINTENANCE_38", "display": "Calibration Not Allowed" }, { "code": "MAINTENANCE_39", "display": "Session Stopped" }, { "code": "MAINTENANCE_40", "display": "Sensor Rate Decrease Exceeded" }, { "code": "MAINTENANCE_41", "display": "Sensor Rate Increase Exceeded" }, { "code": "E-101", "display": "Transmitter not found" }, { "code": "E-102", "display": "CGM app was terminated due to an internal error" }, { "code": "E-104", "display": "Memory full" }, { "code": "E-105", "display": "Time outside of limits" }, { "code": "E-106", "display": "Data integrity corrupted" }, { "code": "E-107", "display": "Error in flow monitor" }, { "code": "E-108", "display": "Error in flow control" }, { "code": "E-111", "display": "CGM was terminated due to an EMWR error" }, { "code": "E-112", "display": "Session ended because wrong dialog was shown" }, { "code": "E-125", "display": "Incorrect CGM system" }, { "code": "I-101", "display": "Calibration not possible" }, { "code": "I-102", "display": "End session rcommended (repeating sensor failures)" }, { "code": "I-103", "display": "Calibration failed" }, { "code": "M-102", "display": "Incorrect sensor type" }, { "code": "M-115", "display": "Sensor must be calibrated" }, { "code": "M-116", "display": "Sensor Rate Increase Exceeded" }, { "code": "M-117", "display": "Sensor malfunctioning" }, { "code": "M-118", "display": "Connection lost to transmitter" }, { "code": "M-119", "display": "No transmitter in range" }, { "code": "M-120", "display": "Session ended because sensor operation time expired" }, { "code": "M-122", "display": "Sensor temperature too low" }, { "code": "M-123", "display": "Sensor temperature too high" }, { "code": "M-124", "display": "Smartphone battery almost empty" }, { "code": "M-125", "display": "Connection failure to transmitter" }, { "code": "R-100", "display": "Calibration required reminder" }, { "code": "R-101", "display": "Calibration recommended" }, { "code": "R-102", "display": "CGM session will end soon" }, { "code": "W-101", "display": "Incorrect pin" }, { "code": "W-103", "display": "Invalid bg/insulin/carb entry" }, { "code": "W-107", "display": "Transmitter malfunctioning" }, { "code": "W-108", "display": "Sensor malfunctioning" }, { "code": "W-109", "display": "Cannot undo action" }, { "code": "W-111", "display": "End cgm session confirmation" }, { "code": "W-112", "display": "Smartphone rooted" }, { "code": "W-126", "display": "Cgm session not started" }, { "code": "W-130", "display": "Smartphone not supported" }, { "code": "W-132", "display": "High CGM warning" }, { "code": "MESSAGE_1", "display": "Marketing 1" }, { "code": "MESSAGE_2", "display": "Marketing 2" } ] }, { "system": "", "concept": [ { "code": "103713001", "display": "Replacement of catheter (procedure)" }, { "code": "384728007", "display": "Replacement of device (procedure)" } ] } ] }, "experimental": false, "date": "2019-10-09" }