Release notes

Please note: this is a pre-release.

This pre-release contains the intended (backwards incompatible) changes for the Summer release 2020.01, which follows the earlier 2019.01 releases. It applies to the Nictiz FHIR STU3 conformance resources and MedMij information standards.

In comparison to the beta2 package, updates to the following issues have been included: MM-1090, MM-1006, MM-616, MM-511, MM-319. Please find the full list of issues for the upcoming Summer release below:

  • MM-1204 | Correct cardinalities of HCIM BloodPressure components
  • MM-1177 | Split up information standard specific profiles from generic (HCIM) profiles *
  • MM-1165 | nl-core-contactpoint contains invalid slicing definitions on multiple levels
  • MM-1121 | Merge Nictiz IHE and IHE profiles on DocumentManifest & DocumentReference
  • MM-1090 | Replace AD_use extension for root level extension in nl-core-address profile
  • MM-1034 | Improve slicing logic for Media.identifier images-Media profile *
  • MM-1006 | Changes to HCIM GeneralMeasurement profile to support separate MeasurementResults
  • MM-941 | Incorrect reference to isolate profile
  • MM-898 | LaboratoryTestResult-Observation interpretation ValueSet cannot overrule FHIR ValueSet
  • MM-816 | PDF/A: IHE MHD remove constraint on .author
  • MM-767 | LaboratoryTestResult.Specimen.CollectionPeriod (release 2017) not implementable
  • MM-616 | Wrong mapping on AllergyIntolerance BasicElements DateTime
  • MM-614 | AllergyIntolerance CausativeAgent required in HCIM, not in profile
  • MM-511 | Slice resultType in LaboratoryTestResult DiagnosticReport should be optional
  • MM-507 | Cardinality of Observation.performer in VitalSigns Profile NL differs from HL7 standard
  • MM-476 | Change LOINC code for fasting BloodGlucose
  • MM-433 | Change discriminator.path from system to $this for correct ValueSet based slicing
  • MM-404 | Procedure.performedPeriod is too strict
  • MM-319 | Changes in HCIM Problem profile for better support of ProblemStartDate and ProblemEndDate
  • MM-221 | Improve slicing on Observation.coding

The following changes are included in the Summer release, however not yet in this pre-release:

  • MM-421 | Enhancements for GP Data

Feel free to comment and/or create a pull request.

The full list of changes for the Summer release can be found on Bits (when logged in).

* MM-1177 splits up information standard specific profiles for standards eAfspraak, Images and Medication Process. As a result, they are moved to separate repositories, which can be found here (eAfspraak), here (Images) and here (Medication Process). ** Changes for this issue are not yet fully implemented.

The FHIR NPM package containing the snapshot versions of the StructureDefinitions (profiles) can be downloaded on Simplifier.


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Name Version Release date
hl7.fhir.r3.core 3.0.2
Name Version Release date
This package has no listed versions available.