FHIR UK Core: Update Notice for UK Core Clinical and Technical Assurance (C&TA)
This notice is to inform the UK FHIR Community regarding the next UK Core C&TA sprint. Following feedback received from sprint 5 of Clinical & Technical Assurance and the progress of the UK Core through the first HL7 UK Ballot, the decision has been agreed at the HL7 UK FHIR Board to temporarily pause adding further UK Core content, to allow a technical sprint to take place.
The purpose of this technical sprint is to align the HL7 UK Ballot feedback for the UK Core, with the latest development version from sprint 5 C&TA, so that the feedback from both is aligned going forward. This will ensure all feedback through both processes is included, leading to a better UK Core.
As a result, the proposed development and release versions will be:
- 0.5.0 (sprint 5 release) has already been released
- A release 1.0.0 with all the changes agreed during the first HL7 UK Ballot process has started development
- The next step will merge the 0.5.0 (sprint 5 release) and 1.0.0 (HL7 UK Ballot release) to create a new, 1.1.0 version
- The 1.1.0 version will have some additional guidance for medication added and some minor technical corrections, following implementation feedback
- The 1.1.0 version will then move to a second HL7 UK Ballot
- Feedback from the second HL7 UK ballot will be added to a further UK Core release, which will be release 2.0.0
As this Technical Release progresses, the next Clinical & Technical Assurance sprint will resume with Sprint 6, (for information flows not yet covered by version 1.1.0). The Sprint 6 schedule will follow step 4 above. We will share the schedule once the quantity of change to be completed from the HL7 Ballot has been confirmed and the work planned.
The content for Sprint 6 will be discussed and agreed by the HL7 UK FHIR Board, who are running a Task & Finish group to agree priorities. Please share any recommendations for options or use cases with us, so we can take them to the UK FHIR Board.
Please email any questions or use cases to: UK Core Development Team