Patient LIB list


The sfm-lib-List resource in SFM is used to represent the patients current medication list (LIB=Legemidler I Bruk or medication in use), a snapshot for a given time or aggregated list for a periode in time.

The resource is avaialble to make it possible for EPJ systems to retreive current, previous or future list of prescriptions from SFM.

Only the commands GET is made available for practitioners. The resource can be requested with different purposes and different input parameters is specified.

The LIB list could be requested based on different puposes:

  • Using it in correspondance
  • Presenting it in patient overview
  • Using it for medication administration
  • Input to a curve system

Each purpose requires differnt type of data as input and feedback.

Patient overview

The returned List contains a text property with a preformatted HTML "div" for easy presentation.


An XML representation suitable for correspondance (PLO melding, Henvisning, Epikrise) is presented as a base64 encoded extension (correpondancedata) The scema used for this strucure may be found under "Pleie- og omsorgsmeldinger 1.6" at (Felleskomponenter)

Administration (_query=administration and time period)

LIB for administration requires period that the data should be returned for and a patient ticket. SFM will then return detailed information about any medication that should be administrated within current period.

First instance of dosage is returned with textual details (textual dosage, shortdose, typeofuse, applicationarea and aditional instructions), the rest of dosage identifies a single dose. In other words, one structured dosage element per dosage event within a medicationstatement is returned for the period spesified in the request. If SFM is not able to calculate a structured dosage, then only textual dosage is returned for that particular medication statement.

Curve system (_query=curve)

LIB for curve system requires parameter "curve" and a patient ticket. SFM will then return advanced dosage for medications where it is included.


sfm-lib-List is a profile on List. To retrieve the lib-list for a patient, a patientTicket must be presented: (for info about patientTicket see general documentation for SFM) Example:

The API will return a search-bundle containing one List resource. The "normal" reponse will return a list and contained resources for MedicationStatement and other info. The resouce is extended with a base64encoded XML structure suitable for correspondance data.

The API supports special variants as described above by using the _query parameter:

Read prescription list


  1. User open patient in EPJ.
  2. EPJ request about updated prescription information
  3. SFM creates the list with meta data and returns it to EPJ.
  4. EPJ presents the list to the user.

MedicationStatement dosing information

When extracting list including medicationstatements with dosing based on measurements(Observation), a reference to the Observation will be included in derivedFrom.

Observation may then be retrieved from datashare with READ operation.

Medication resources

When an EPJ want to follow up sfm-lib-List with the subsequent lookup of the Medication resources referred from MedicationStatement. The standard FHIR mechanism for multiple values separated with comma in a search will be utilized.
