Create SFM database

Before an organization can use SFM, a database, organization and users must be created.

This functionality is implemented in the EHR system using the SFM Data Sharing API (SFM Datadeling API).


  • The SFM Datadeling API requires that an admin user in EHR is logged-in with HelseID.

Create Organization

  • Register sfm-Organization with active = false.
  • The user identified in the token is created as an admin user (sfm-Person) in SFM and is used to write other users (health personnel) to SFM.

Write user

  • sfm-Practitioner (users who should have rights as healthcare professionals)
  • sfm-Person (users who should have administrative rights).

Activate the business in SFM

  • Write sfm_Organization with active = true.

When the organization is activated, a verify message is sendt to Reseptformidleren (the prescription broker), and Reseptformidleren is set up to communicate asynchronous messages to SFM and not to the specified edi address in the Address Register (AR).

Once these steps are completed, users can log on to EHR and start using SFM.